Chapter 7320, Fuzzy Memory Fragments

When I heard the elders of heaven, the elders of Tianshu also echoed:

"Homeowner, the elders of heaven and right are right, thousands of literary martial arts and martial arts, and loyal to the family, the heart is very broad, there are such a small family is the blessing of our holy mountain Yunjia, is the Kun Lu gods blessing!"

Black Heart Nine listened to it, and my heart was called a comfortable person. I didn’t expect that the old old-fashioned elders like Tianshu would even say such a rainbow fart. It’s really impossible to see people!

Several other elders also agreed, and finally, even the elders of Tianzhu agreed.

Even if he is optimistic about the cloud, the facts are in front of him. Nowadays, Yunqian has surpassed the cloud in all aspects, and has become a homeless family.

Yun Yantian saw the opinions of the seven elders of the law-protection reached a unity, nodded:

"Since all of you have chosen Qian Yitou to be a small owner, then tomorrow, you will announce the two continents, and declare that Yunqianyi will become the homeless owner of our holy mountain cloud family."

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyebrows bent and said: "Thank you for the recognition and trust of my grandfather and the elders. I must live up to the expectations of the public and fulfill the responsibilities of the younger owners."

Yun Yantian encouraged her a few words. Seeing that her body was not a big problem, she let Xue Yi and Xue Er put her back to the snow.

The boots were also squatting on the stone pillars, followed by the snowboarding.

At the same time, the sacred mountain Yunjia, who has some identities, knows that the position of the younger family is on the head of the cloud, and the cloud knows the nature.

Although I had expected this, but after learning the news, she still hated and hated.

Especially when I learned that the repairs at the beginning of the cloud were higher than her, this kind of embarrassment and unwillingness made her heart full of bonfire!

I don't know if it is too angry or emotional. She feels that the gods have sent acupuncture pain.

The pain became so intense that she fainted.

When she woke up, there were some ambiguous memories in her mind. When she wanted to think about it, the gods would be sore and had to give up.

But at the same time, she was surprised to find that she had to break through!

She couldn't take care of the vague memory fragments, and quickly called people to help me protect the law, and then began to meditate.

The maids saw that two hours had passed, and Yunqian had not broken through the success. He was afraid of any bad news and was busy sending letters to the owner of Tianzhutang.

It happened that Yunxiao often went to the elders of the elders of Tianzhu to visit the elders of the Scorpio, so the two of them went to the courtyard of Yunqian.

Of course, because the elders of the Scorpio were inconvenient to walk, they were sent by people.

Yunxiao often hates the beginning of the cloud because he has one eye, but he has never found a chance to start.

The elders of the Scorpio have noticed a little more. They have also beaten the clouds before, and they have warned him a bit more.

Although Yun’s heart is unwilling, but now the overall situation has been fixed, Yun Qianyi is just a small owner, and he has to dispel the idea of ​​revenge for the beginning of the cloud.

Hate only hate, the name of this few homeowners fell on the head of Yun Qianyi.

The two had just entered the room where the clouds were separated, and the clouds and thousands of people had sent swords and volatility, and they were repaired from the seven layers of the spirit to the eight layers of the spirit.

The two thought that she had already completed the breakthrough. I did not expect that her body had once again sent swords and volatility, and even broke through to the nine layers.

Then, in one fell swoop, it broke into a layer of mixedness.

The elders of the Scorpio and the Yunxiao often saw the stunned, and even broke through the three layers, and crossed a big realm?

(End of this chapter)

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