Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7329: Have a good fortune (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 7329 has a good fortune (seeking a monthly pass)

Tianshu elders sighed: "Hey, people don't accept the old, I have an illusion, and I saw the thousand squatting heads flying toward us!"

The elders of heaven and right also sighed: "Not only you, but I also see..."

Speaking of this, the words of the elders of heaven are abruptly stopped. One person is an illusion. How can two people be illusions? !

That means that Qian Yitou is not dead! She is still alive!

He shouted a little in his voice: "Yes, is it a thousand heads?"

At the beginning of the cloud, some of them laughed and shook, and they stretched their claws and waved:

"Four elders, it's me, I'm fine! The dark clouds are a blind eye, and there is a deep pit in the open space, but there is no one lying on me and the spirit of the totem.

So, not only is it fine, but the spirit of the totem is fine. ”

The elders of Tianshu and others heard this, and this made a sigh of relief. Anyway, people are alive!

They looked at the scene with the beginning of the cloud, and the ground was really a deep pit. It’s hard to be like a thousand 丫 丫 head, that dark cloud is a... blinking?

Tianshu elders looked at the clouds and couldn’t help but nodded: "Thousands of squatting heads, you really have a lot of responsibility, and there are also good fortune, there are few homeowners like you, it is really the blessing of our holy mountain cloud family!"

The three elders of the heavenly rights also couldn’t follow the praises, and they all had to boast of the black heart nine!

The black heart is pretending to be a few words, and the goods themselves feel that she deserves these compliments. After all, this time, unlike the past, she did come forward with great risks.

If it wasn't for her cleverness, use the empty city meter to scare the dark clouds away, maybe how bad it will be at this time!

Everyone talked and laughed and returned to the holy mountain Yunjia. When the time came to the ring, the elders of Tianshu and others later thought of the little baldness and asked:

"Thousands of eagle heads, where did you come from this phoenix crane?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled twice: "This, this is a long story."

When the Shengshan Yunjia held a grand event, did I come to the meeting? When I left, I saw this scarred phoenix crane in a corner.

When I came to save his life, I wanted to leave a thought. After all, I didn't intend to confess my identity, so I took the phoenix crane away. ”

Tianshu elders four: "..."

Said that the sky is falling, isn’t it actually... stealing?

Tianshu’s elder face was somewhat stiff and asked: “Why is this phoenix crane scarred at the time?”

"I also listened to it later, saying that the golden guardian of the Longling Emperor's family took it out of anger and injured it.

In fact, at the end of the day, this matter has something to do with me. If I didn't let the gold guardian law lose face, he wouldn't take a flat hair animal to vent his anger, so this is also a fate. "The beginning of the cloud explained.

This cargo said that although the black pot was given to the gold guardian law, it was not authentic, but the gold guardian did use the pressure to scare the little bald hair, so it was even.

In the past, such an old-fashioned person as the elders of Tianshu will certainly reprimand the cloud for a first time, and do not ask for stealing.

But now he looks at the beginning of the cloud, one hundred and twenty pleasing to the eye, so he said:

"In the beginning, if you saved this phoenix crane, maybe it is already dead.

Moreover, if there is no such a crane today, maybe it will be late for a while, and the holy mountain Yunjia will suffer.

So, you did it, very good, well, very good! ”

The elders of heaven and others also said in a side-by-side manner: "Yes, this phoenix crane is destined to be yours. If you don't take it away, it will fly over to find you."

"Yes, this is a fate, indicating that this bird is eye-catching and knows that you are a Yun family."

"Yeah, look at you and this phoenix crane has the main pet, it is destined to be your bird!"


[Emergency goes out, the April 22 update is postponed until 9:00 pm. 】

In a hurry, the April 22 update was postponed until 9 pm.

(End of this chapter)

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