Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7339: No place to live (question for monthly pass)

Chapter 7339 Nowhere to Live (Seeking a Monthly Pass)

The elders of the wind three squatted with the black heart of the fish, and some of them were somewhat admired. Others did not say that this **** was a bit of a skill.

One is that the skin is thick enough, and the other is that the mouth will say that such a person will adapt very quickly wherever he goes.

He wondered, is it true that this gimmick film really believes what he said? I think she has come to the wind family to really get VIP privileges?

Isn't she afraid of revenge? After all, his scalp was cut off by her last time, and it was like a mournful dog.

Speaking of the last thing, the elders of the wind three hate itch, hate can not directly succumb to the black heart nine, but thought of the order of the family, had to endure.

Where did he know that Yunchu was chatting with these people and didn't ask any key information, but with her smart head, I got some useful information from these news.

At least one thing is certain, the Feng’s bereaved family is indeed about to hold a thousand-year ritual ceremony, and there is no lie about the wind three elders.

As for what to explore, the swordsmanship is definitely nonsense, but I don’t know what they are plotting.

After another five days, the flying boat landed on the ground.

"We have to walk through this mysterious land to reach the residence of my family.

It is very dangerous here, even if we have to pay special attention to it after passing through here all the year round, so both of you must follow my instructions and follow closely, otherwise you will be at your own risk. "The three elders of the wind said seriously."

After seeing Yunchu and Yun Qiang nodded, he ordered the person to explore the road ahead. He took the cloud and the cloud and left in the middle of the team.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t have much experience in the interview. I didn’t have any impression of this mysterious place, and I opened the contact with the soul of the lock.

"Old man, do you know this mysterious land?"

After hearing the initial position of the cloud, the nine-finger old man exclaimed: "It turned out to be this mysterious place! No wonder no one ever knows where the wind's bereaved family is."

The cloud was puzzled and asked: "Is there anything special about this mysterious land?"

"Although the mysterious places are very dangerous, but there are several extra dangers, this is one of them, known as the land of no birth.

Listening to the name knows that it is extremely dangerous. Since it has been recorded, no one has ever been able to live out of the inanimate land.

Therefore, no one knows what terrible things are there.

Later, no one dared to approach the square. ”

After the first meeting of the cloud, I was not afraid. Since the wind three elders came back and forth for so many years, how can they accumulate some experience.

When Yunchu and the nine-finger old man spoke, everyone had entered the mysterious land.

Unlike the fog that is seen outside, it is full of vitality, and it seems to be a quiet valley.

A winding road leads straight into the distance, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The strange thing is that the people who lead the way have a good path to leave, but they are walking through the bushes next to them.

The shrubs were full of spikes and they were accidentally caught, so everyone traveled slowly.

It’s definitely dangerous to estimate the path at the beginning of the cloud. After all, when you come in, the subconscious will go that path.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought I would be on the road overnight. I didn’t expect that when the sky was not all black, the elders of the wind would find someone to station.

The wind three elders and the sound of the sound of the clouds and the clouds and thousands of warnings:

"No matter what the sound is at night, don't look out, don't leave the tent, or I won't save you even."

Continue at noon tomorrow, ask for a wave of votes every day, what?

(End of this chapter)

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