Chapter 7364 ran

When the wind elders and other people heard the words of the cloud, there was only one feeling. This girl’s film was crazy!

Still stewing these horrible monsters in one pot? Do not say anything else, do you have such a big pot? !

Yun Qiang stood in the back half of the cloud, and there was no expression on his face. The hands in his sleeves were involuntarily tightened.

With her understanding of the beginning of the cloud, if this waste is not sure, it will certainly not be done, it must be what she saw.

Also, she swears, the song will stop, how to see it inside.

Besides, if these monsters are really scary, they should have started with them, not just trapping them in the middle.

She didn't know if she was gambling. If the gambling was wrong, let the elders of the wind have their opinions on her, and maybe they might catch up.

Those monsters heard the first scream of the clouds, and even the closest monster to the beginning of the cloud opened the **** mouth to the clouds and stretched their claws to beat the ground.

At the beginning of the cloud, he turned a blind eye and said: "There are no boots around me on your small body. Who are you scared?"

If I didn't disappoint too little meat on your body, I would have already started.

Roll, give me a roll, or else I am really welcome! ”

The wind three elders and others listened, it was a faceless speech, it seems that this girl's film is not only bad ears, this eye is even worse!

This monster is so large, she actually said that there is no high boots around her? This is not what the eyelids are? !

The monster in front of the cloud began to step back, and then with his claws pointing at the huge claws he had just left, he made a similar ridiculous voice. Obviously, let the cloud begin to see how big it is.

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "Don't play these tricks with me, but it's just a slapstick trick. If you don't roll anymore, I'm going to get rid of your big teeth!"

Then, the elders of the wind and three saw the monsters picking up their claws almost at the same time.

Everyone: "..."

Everyone in the heart is like a dog. In the end, are those monsters too timid, or is it a sinister movie? !

Is it true that those monsters are really afraid that she will lick their fangs?

Huh? No, she is talking about big fangs!

The monster is clearly fangs, why is she said to be a big fang?

However, there is a bit of consensus among people. These monsters are indeed awkward. Otherwise, the clouds are so provocative, they are unreasonable and do not launch attacks!

The monsters seemed to realize that they were exposed, and immediately screamed with anger and anger, and the ears of everyone shook.

At the beginning of the cloud, he blinked and took the remaining meat in his hand into the storage ring. Then he pulled out the broken sword behind him and said impatiently:

"Since you are not interested, it seems that I can only be active and active!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the smashing sword smashed toward the monster in front of him. The wind three elders and others sighed and sighed. This cloud is still really lacking, but it is really lacking!

The monster is huge in size. At first glance, it is thick and thick, and the long-range attack is better. She wants to be close to the flesh and beat? This is simply the dumbest choice!

Then they saw the monster in front of the cloud and turned and ran, and the other monsters rushed to follow...

(End of this chapter)

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