Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7351: Pink lake (monthly ticket)

Chapter 7351 Pink Lake (seeking a monthly pass)

At noon that day, the people finally left the mysterious land that made them feel complicated.

However, what surprised the cloud and the clouds was that they saw a huge pink lake.

Since no one has ever lived out before the mysterious land, there is no record of this pink lake.

Girls, it is inevitable that they will have a good impression on some beautiful things, even if the clouds are so long away, the eyes of women who are so deserted are also shining with joy.

Of course, there are some wonderful exceptions!

"Hee elders, how is this lake pink? What color is the fish and shrimp inside? Is it delicious?"

Feng Chixi looked at the cloud at a glance, and then took a few pieces of monster meat from the storage ring and threw it into the lake.

Almost instantaneously, the pink lake was boiling like a hot pot of boiling water.

Numerous grotesque fish with fangs floated up to the surface of the water, and the sorcerer's flesh was eaten in the blink of an eye.

The bodies of those strange fishes are close to being transparent. If they rush to the lake, I am afraid that if they enter, they will have no bones.

Feng Chixi said: "This lake is named as the Death Salt Lake. There is a thick salt layer under the lake.

There is a pink water plant that specializes in salt as a nutrient, so this lake will appear pink.

There are several ferocious aquatic monsters in this dead salt lake. The sharp-mouthed fish you saw before is only the weakest one.

These monsters share a common feature, that is, their bodies are mostly transparent, so it is easy to be attacked by them. ”

When Yun Qian heard the words of the wind, he frowned, and his face appeared a bit of worry.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was a slap in the eye and asked: "You said so much, and did not answer my question!

Is the meat of these fish and monsters delicious? And those water plants can eat? Is the salt below the same as the salt we eat? ”

Wind Chixi: "..."

Are you concerned about the wrong focus? Now the focus is on how to safely pass through the Death Salt Lake, instead of paying attention to eating!

The wind three elders on the side said: "If you want to know, jump in and catch a try!"

Anyway, he had already torn his face with the beginning of the cloud, and now he is too lazy to pretend to be a guest with the cloud, and nothing to do with it.

Feng Chixi quickly made a round: "Three elders, little girl is just laughing."

Since we can only set off tomorrow morning, it is better to stay in the same place and take a rest. These days, everyone has not taken a good rest. ”

The elders of the wind three nodded, and this arranged for everyone to station.

It’s hard to get together and ask: “Hee elder, why didn’t you leave tomorrow morning?”

"As I said before, most of the monsters inside are transparent, hard to find during the day, and hard to find at night.

Therefore, we all choose to pass during the day, the water here is wide, so it takes a whole day to use. ”

"So, are we going by boat?" Yun Qian asked again.

The wind Chixi nodded: "Yes, in fact, the salt here is very salty, and it will not sink into the water even if it is not by boat.

The reason for choosing to pass the boat is to prevent the aquatic monsters from suddenly launching attacks, so that the hull can also play a defense function. ”

When the two talked, the cloud sneaked to the lake, and there was a small golden dragonfly in the palm of the hand, which lowered the voice and asked:

"You haven't been in the water for a long time, do you want to go down and play?"

Daxie: "No, I don't want to."

Yunchu said: "No, you think."

Daxie: "..."

Tomorrow will continue at noon, rolling out to sell Mengqiu monthly ticket, what?

(End of this chapter)

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