Chapter 7354 is not reconciled

Daxie found that the sharp-nosed fish is very delicious. It is not a little bit better than the cloud of the beast that feeds it on weekdays.

The main means of attack for these sharp-nosed fish is just their sharp mouths. There is no threat to it, and you can catch a bunch of them casually.

If it catches more and saves it, then you won't need to whisper in the future to ask for that stink!

Therefore, the task of confessing the cloud to the cloud was thrown into the clouds, and the fish in the eyes were fish!

It was originally a cloud in the shallow waters. Anyway, there are water plants in the shallow waters. There is no danger.

However, this cargo catches the fish and catches it. Where else is it worthwhile to do something else, and it is getting farther and farther away from the shore.

When it was catching up, it caught the attention of some high-level monsters.

After all, the big cockroach is a foreign monster. The smell of the body is different from other monsters in the lake. Plus, the goods have been busy catching fish and have no hidden tracks. It is difficult to attract attention.

So, when it found out that something was wrong, it was surrounded by several high-level monsters.

Although the shape of the monsters is not huge, but the number is more, and here is the site of others, the big moment is forced!

It was discovered afterwards that it was already far from the shore.

To make matters worse, it is not the spiritual pet of the beginning of the cloud, so there is no way to ask her for help. Is it going to become a dead man today? !

If you have a big heart, you can’t beat it, or just run it!

So, it closed the shell tightly and wanted to drill underwater.

But it forgot one thing. The bottom of the dead salt lake is not soft sand at all, but a hard salt layer.

Therefore, instead of being able to get into the bottom of the water, it was entangled in the algae!

If there are not a few beasts, the big cockroaches can easily bite the algae, but the goods are afraid to find their heads to be bitten by the monsters, so they intend to use brute force to break the shackles of the algae.

However, this algae grows extremely lush. Although it breaks away from some of the algae, it is entangled in more algae in the process, and it is entangled in a scorpion.

The eight beasts have never seen such a stupid beast. They even tied themselves up. This is a matter of saving. They can just eat it.

As a result, several sea beasts swarmed up, and they opened their **** mouths and bite them toward the big cockroaches.

Hey! Hey!

The shell of the big donkey didn't matter, but the teeth of two of the monsters were cut off.

Although the other teeth are not broken, they are not too painful.

A few monsters suddenly became angry and sullen, and began to use their bodies to squat.

Their ideas are very simple, even if the shell of this stuff is very hard, but as long as they have been smashed, they can be opened, and then they can stun the things hidden inside!

Big 蛤蜊 is a **** mold!

When the impact sounds into the ear, it is similar to the thunder, almost shocking the ears of this goods!

It really regrets now!

If it is according to the skunk head, collecting the algae in the shallow water area will not encounter these bad things, it is not alive!

It hasn't found the Poseidon, and it hasn't let the Poseidon give it a fairness. It's really unwilling!

(End of this chapter)

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