Chapter 7367

The wind three elders must be discouraged!

What is admiration for him is... an old man?

This is not a disguise. Is he a bad old man? !

This stinky girl, the monks do not have dirty words!

The wind is slow, the wind is afraid of the wind, and the elders are really annoyed to really kill the cloud, and said:

"Three elders, she is just a little girl, talking is not light or heavy, you don't have a general knowledge of him.

The patriarch and the elders of the elders must have heard the news, and we will hurry into the city! ”

The three elders of the wind gasped a few mouthfuls, and he said that he was also a city man, but this stinky girl was too angry! It is estimated that the dead can also be mad at her!

He thought of the news that the patriarch sent him, and took a look at the beginning of the cloud, then he turned and went to the city.

At the beginning of the cloud, she licked her mouth. If it wasn't for this bad old man who had to be provocative, she wouldn't want to be noisy, not at all in line with her gentle personality.

Yun Qian took a look at the beginning of the cloud, and he was puzzled. The face of this waste was unscrupulous. Is it just the jellyfish monsters that she relied on? Or is there something else to rely on?

Her gaze could not help but fall on the stone pillars that followed the beginning of the cloud. Could it be that she relied on the spirit of totem?

Just, is this totem spirit not much power?

The cloud is too far-fetched, and it is decided to leave the army first, so as not to be pitted by the cloud.

Although the city was very close to the foot of the mountain from the top of the hanging ladder, it took almost a single hour for the people to come outside the city gate.

There is a plaque hanging on the gate, but the word above is not written.

At the beginning of the cloud, he came to the side of the wind and asked: "Hey? Why is there no word on this plaque? What is the city called?"

Feng Chixi said with some sighs: "This is about the secret of our survivors. In short, this city has no name, so it hangs this empty plaque."

At the beginning of the cloud, I nodded, but my heart grinned.

Maybe it was because I didn't think of any suitable name, so I sneaked a blank card.

The people who defended the city examined the identity of the three elders and other people, and then they let everyone enter the city.

The city is very prosperous, shops are everywhere, pedestrians on the street are woven, and there is no difference between other cities.

To tell the truth, this is completely different from the imagination before the beginning of the cloud. She thought that the survivors of the Feng family must have lived in the wrong place. I did not expect that the family would be very moist.

After entering the city, the beginning of the cloud caused a lot of people's attention.

The reason is very simple. It is really a ugly appearance in the beginning of the cloud by the black beads. Especially in the Feng’s bereaved family of beautiful men and women.

Many people are pointing at the beginning of the cloud, but only because of the wind and three elders, no one dares to be too close.

The wind Chixi couldn't help but look at the cloud at first glance, but she didn't care about her, but she wondered if she would be so sad.

Then, he heard that Black Heart Nine had some sneak peeks and asked him:

"Hee elders, are you guys here who have never seen such a good-looking girl? So they are so fussed?"

Wind Chixi: "..."

Is this little girl an aesthetic deviation? Still have a problem with your eyes?

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the crowd, and everyone could not help but stop.

I saw a dozen young men and women coming from afar, dressed in luxury, good temperament, it is not easy to look at the identity.

Headed by a white man, the eyebrows are full of pride.


(End of this chapter)

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