Chapter 7380 Boss

When the wind is heavy and others notice that things are not good, the bursting waves of the big flowers have already shaken them out of the battle circle.

It’s not just that the battle circle has been shaken, but they have also been blown up with blood. Although it’s not too serious, it looks like a wolverine.

For a time, the scene was dead.

It is also said that the elders of the wind and three elders love face, and it is strictly forbidden to talk about the things that were eaten at the holy mountain cloud house before the discussion. Therefore, only a few people among the survivors of the Feng family knew what happened at that time.

Therefore, the wind and other people did not think that the swords of Yun Qianyi would actually blow up.

It’s not that they have less knowledge. Who can think of this sword spirit as a bursting symbol? This is also too abnormal!

Of course, although this skill of Dahua is abnormal, it can only be miraculous if the other party does not know it, otherwise the effect will be greatly discounted.

When the wind was deep and the four people were stunned, Yun said with a smile: "I am willing to gamble and lose, but I will give it to you, that is, your boss will see you?!"

The wind is deep and the four people suddenly feel that the whole person is not good!

Yeah, they had made a swearing oath before, could it be true that this skunk was called the boss? Still have to listen to her dispatch?

If so, what other faces do they have in the future? It is better to let the poison oath be fulfilled directly, and forget it!

The head with deep wind turned faster than the other three, and the eyelids turned over and fainted.

The other three have seen, and all the samples are also "halo".

Anyway, they did not say that they did not perform the gambling contract, so they should not be smothered by the poisonous oath. After the big deal, they will avoid this stinky head and will not give her the chance to perform the gambling.

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "Oh, you don't need to be stunned. I don't mean that this person is not unreasonable. It is really difficult for you to listen to me."

So, the four of you who come and respectfully call me a boss, this gamble is not counted! ”

Since this bet is for the beginning of the cloud, as long as she agrees to dismiss the oath, the oath will not be fulfilled.

It is also said that these practitioners are particularly afraid of the oath of the swearing, like the black heart nine, this heartless will not be in the heart, the poisonous oath is just as casual as eating and drinking.

The wind and the depth of the four people see the beginning of the cloud have said the words on it, it is not good to recharge.

The four men looked at each other, or they called her a boss. Although it is definitely a shame, it is better than ever.

The four men did a good psychological struggle for a long time. Finally, they got up and went to the front of the cloud. They almost squeezed out two words from the teeth: "Boss!"

If you look at the expression of the four people in the wind and think that they are talking about swearing, it is really their expression is very bitter.

At the beginning of the cloud, I raised my eyebrows: "I just said clearly that you have to respectfully call me the boss to count, or else your vows can still count!"

The wind is so deep that the four people hate to give the cloud to the first death, but when they think of the poisonous oath just made, they have to squeeze out a smile and shout again: "Boss!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the cloud standing next to me: "Thousands of sisters, do you say that their attitude is respectful?"

Yun Qian said with a slap in the face: "Not counting."

At the beginning of the cloud, I shrugged my shoulders: "Have you heard? Come back!"

"Cloud Qianyi, don't be too much!" The wind is heavily blushing and the neck is thick and rough.

(End of this chapter)

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