Chapter 7390 Verification begins

If the candidate is too young, it may lead to less accurate blood test results. If the age is too large, it will miss the opportunity to enter the ancestral home for cultivation.

Therefore, in general, people of the Wind's bereaved have bloodline verification between the ages of ten and fifteen.

The method of verification is also very simple. It only needs to drop the blood on a large spherical ball. The inside of the ball will have a corresponding star flash.

The big ball was almost the same as that seen in the beginning of the cloud, but it was several times larger than the one in his hand, and the diameter was more than one foot.

The wind was heavy and saw that the clouds and the clouds could not help but chill, but because many people were present, he did not dare to say anything.

He thought in his heart that the cloud is only a miscellaneous, a species, and the test is also a white test, the blood level must be very low.

After a while, the wind patriarchs and others waited for the best, and the blood level verification ceremony was officially opened.

There is nothing too complicated for the ceremony, but the wind patriarch said a few words, let the candidates wait for the team, and then verify.

The clouds are naturally not competing with the teenagers, so they took the initiative to stand at the end of the team.

The first candidate was a 10-year-old child with a small face full of tension and anticipation. He stepped forward and dripped the blood of his right index finger over the ball.

Almost instantaneously, a twinkling star appeared in the ball, followed by the second and third, and it stopped changing until seven stars appeared.

The child suddenly burst into excitement, seven stars, which means he can enter the ancestral home to practice.

The wind lord and other people were quite satisfied. The first candidate had tested seven stars. This is a good start.

However, the next few candidates are disappointing. Most of them are four stars and five stars. They are not qualified to enter the ancestral home.

At the beginning of the cloud, there were hundreds of people to be selected. It is estimated that there will be no one in the first half of the year, and some will not be picked up.

When she saw no one paying attention to herself, she covered her hair with her sleeves.

I have to say that the meat that I bought recently has a good taste. It is better to pass the time.

When the clouds were first smashed, the people heard the sound of exclamation. She quickly looked up and saw that there were eight stars shining in the ball. It turned out to be a genius of eight stars.

Don't look at the eight stars, only one more star than the seven stars, but the qualifications of the two are not a little bit.

Among the guest houses of the ancestral homes, there are only a few people with eight stars, so the wind will be so arrogant.

It was a girl who was found to have eight stars. She was already excited at this time and she didn’t know what to do, because she knew that from this moment she had become a presence among her peers.

Everyone also boiled up because of the genius of an eight-star, and it took a while for the next candidate to be verified.

Verification continued until the evening, and a total of eight stars and six seven stars were verified. There was only a cloud in the middle of the field.

The eyes of everyone fell to the cloud and thousands of people, although no one spoke, but the eyes were with a bit of disdain.

Don't look at the cloud and the distance is the sword of the heavenly grade. In their place, the blood level is more valued, and the sword embryo is still second.

They feel that the ancestors of the cloud have been proliferating all the time. The blood of the survivors of the Feng family has been thinned a lot, and it is certain that the blood level will not be very high.

(End of this chapter)

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