Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7405: Must be an illusion (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 7405 must be an illusion (seeking a monthly pass)

Wind heavy olefins and other people really want to scream at the beginning of the cloud, the beast ring is not so useful!

This thing can only be used after the repair of the monster is imprisoned, and it can be directly placed on the neck of the monster.

Sure enough, the ant saw the ring of the beast that had been thrown in the beginning of the cloud and swallowed it directly into the stomach.

At the beginning of the cloud, several animal rings were thrown in the past, and they were swallowed into the stomach by the queen.

At this time, the sound of the worker ants crawling over has been heard in the distance. There is only one thought in the head of the wind and heavy olefins, and it is over! Stop your food thoroughly!

At this moment, they found that the ant had not rushed to the cloud at the beginning of the cloud.

They thought, it must be that the behavior of Yun Qianyi angered the queen, so the queen will do so.

What makes them even more shocked is that the cloud is as scared as it seems to be stupid.

Just when they wanted to make a reminder, I saw her hand rise, and a large animal ring flew in the direction of the queen.

Everyone estimated the distance. If the queen continued to climb forward, it would be in the beast ring, but the queen is not a fool. How can he continue to climb forward?

However, the scene that made them stunned discovered that the queen had no sign of stopping, and continued to climb forward, and the beast ring was placed on its neck.

At the beginning of the cloud, the gods flashed, and the queen disappeared into the place, and she was received by the vet bag.

The workers who came over saw the ants disappeared, and the anger of the tentacles began to hit, apparently warning the clouds.

Before the beginning of the cloud, I changed my hands, and put my hands on my hips. I said arrogantly: "Although you are the strongest nephews, you can’t stand your brains!

Give me a little more honest, or your ants will die!

Also, if you dare to step forward, I will smash these ants, and ask if you are afraid. ”

Those workers who slayed the rodents did not dare to move, and the ant eggs were still good to say, if the queens are gone, they still have some strength to live!

At the beginning of the cloud, he said lazily: "I have no interest in you, just want to save people.

After I took them out, I naturally put the queen behind.

You can rest assured that I am talking and speaking. If I lie, let me thunder and not die. ”

The workers who saw the ants had a poisonous oath at the beginning of the cloud, and they had no good way to do so. They had no choice but to agree.

At the beginning of the cloud, I arrived at the wind and heavy olefins and other people, and gave them the antidote.

Although I took the medicine, it will not work for a while, and the cloud frowned at the beginning of the cloud, and waved at the group of workers:

"Come here, take them to the outside!"

Wind heavy olefins and others thought that their ears had problems. Can this be done?

Of course, those workers are unwilling, but they have to squat after the ants, and they have to follow suit.

Therefore, people such as wind heavy olefins were thrown onto the backs of workers.

The first cloud also jumped on the back of a worker ant, raising his hand: "Depart!"

As a result, the elders who were eager to turn around outside saw the scene that made him unforgettable.

Yun Qianyi stood on the back of a worker ant with a scorpion film, and took a group of workers to dig out of the nest.

Well, those workers are carrying heavy winds and other people on their backs.

The elders of the wind three blinked, is this an illusion?

Well, it must be an illusion!

Continue at noon tomorrow, ask for a wave of votes every day, what?

(End of this chapter)

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