Chapter 7460

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the wind and looked at the wind and said:

"I am just taking precautions. When did I say that the following things must be nocturnal? You are also a lot older, how is your understanding ability so bad?!"

The wind was so angry that I took two steps forward and seemed to want to share the theory of Yunchu.

Emperor Beibei slightly frowned, stepping forward to the front of the cloud, although he did not speak, but the cold air emitted by the body made the wind screamed.

The body with a late wind is obviously more responsive than the brain, and a few steps back.

However, when he reacted, he was very angry when he blushes his neck.

He was scared by a young man, and it was a shame to spread it.

At this time, the elders of the wind three said: "Well, everyone is for the safety of the team, there is no need to dispute.

The worry of Qian Yitou is not unreasonable. We should still take some precautions. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that although the elders of the three winds said this, they did not take it too seriously and could not help but frown.

But she is not too tough, after all, this is only her guess, in case of guessing wrong!

When the sky was slightly dark, the three elders of the wind let everyone find a place without holes, and arranged for the staff to take turns to watch the night.

He thinks that this is enough. I can't sleep without everyone, squinting.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes fell on several mosses scattered around the camp. I don’t know why, I always felt that something was wrong.

After Yun’s initial statement of her worries, Xin Wuman said:

"Miss Nine, this Nether Snow has been covered with a lot of moss, should there be nothing?"

Clouds and thousands of people also feel that the beginning of the cloud is a worry, and those mosses are not dangerous. !

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it and said, "I think it's better to cut it down. It doesn't take much effort anyway. You can help me get rid of these mosses."

When Xinwu was still hesitating, Emperor Beibei had already got up to a moss and released his sword to break it.

What I never expected was that the smashed moss had a red sap and it looked like blood.

What is even more bizarre is that the remaining part of the moss has shrunk under the snow and disappeared.

Now, even Xin Sim, who has a simple mind, has noticed something wrong. He stuttered and said: "It, it actually ran!"

The situation here has also attracted the attention of the three elders, and all of them have been surrounded.

The red sap has penetrated into the snow, in a white, extra blink.

The part of the moss that was cut by the emperor was wilted at the speed visible to the right eye, and eventually turned into a number of gray tentacles.

The elders of the wind stunned their eyes and exclaimed: "Yes, yes, the locusts! But, isn't this thing already extinct?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, curiously asked: "Wind three elders, what is a locust? Are you talking about those moss?"

The three elders of the wind converge on the mind and said: "The locusts, as the name suggests, can disguise the body into various mosses, especially the moss on the snowfield or the ice sheet.

They pretend to be moss for two purposes, during the day for cultivation and at night for predation.

It seems that those holes are also dug, they should be located in the hole, which has already been drilled into the hole. ”

(End of this chapter)

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