Chapter 7480 Wu Wan Spar

Yun Qian thought of the strange emotions, and the look became complicated.

She used to be in a illusion when she was playing against the board. Although she couldn’t remember what kind of illusion she was caught in, it was the same emotion.

She recalled some of the embarrassing things that happened to her, such as some unexplained things in the storage ring, such as the hidden pain of her gods, could not help but be annoyed.

Sometimes she even suspects that she is not a cloud, but who is she? Where did she come from?

However, I feel that I am suspicious. After all, she has memories from small to large. If I think about it, my knowledge will be very painful.

Forget it, it is estimated that it was just an illusion. This North Island is a good thing for the cloud. It is naturally not a good thing!

Yun Qian thought of this place, looked at the emperor with a slight disgust, and then removed his gaze.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the cloud and stared at the emperor's north. I didn't look away from it. I suddenly became angry!

Something else is gone, she can leave the cloud a thousand miles away, but she dares to marry her little white face, she is alive and tired, isn’t it? !

However, just as she was planning to clean up the clouds, she found that the gaze of the cloud had turned into disgust and turned away.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth, and this did not happen.

At this time, the sky has already been white, and it is dawn.

Everyone has a cultivation, so staying up all night without getting in the way, continue to hurry.

At the beginning of the cloud, I wanted to go down. The emperor refused to do so, and still carried her.

At this time, the snow on the ground has changed from the still hard snow layer to the loose snow, which has not passed the knees of everyone.

The climate has become more and more cold, and everyone has added clothes to their bodies, but there is still no way to resist the bitter cold.

At the beginning of the cloud, he gestured to Emperor Beibei to let go of her. When Emperor Bei saw her insist, she had to let her down.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes and smiled and said: "Hey, I have good things to keep out the cold. Do you want to?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the wind was too late to care about the unpleasantness of the previous and the beginning of the cloud. He asked: "Of course! What is it?"

The eyes of other people have also fallen on the cloud, and look forward to it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took out a thing wrapped in fur, which seemed to be bulging, and I didn’t know what it was.

"Hey, this is the hand warmer that I invented, holding it in my hand, to keep you warm."

However, this thing is both laborious and laborious, and it took me a lot of spar, so I can't bear to give you away.

So, there are 50,000 spar, a limited number, first come first served! "Black heart nine smiled and said.

Everyone’s nose was almost mad!

When is this all the time, I still want to do business!

Can you be a little sympathetic? Can you be a little team spirit? !

When they were thinking about it, Yun Yun said helplessly:

"Are you licking my money in my heart? Actually, I have no choice. There are only a limited number of things. I will give advice to anyone who does not give it, so I will make a decision."

There are some reasons for everyone to think about it. Besides, although the 50,000 spar is not cheap, it can be warmed up, and all of them must be frozen!

Big Sheep Capricorn said the first one: "I buy one!"

One handed the money, Capricorn took the hand warmer to his hand.

Not to mention, when the hand warmer arrived, there was a warmth in the hand, and the Capricorn suddenly felt that the value of the 50,000 spar was too great!

(End of this chapter)

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