Chapter 7482

The elders of the wind and the wind were so late that they looked up and saw that there were countless white bugs crawling in the distance.

The wind was late and exclaimed: "This, how is this bug like the parasites on the three-legged ferrets?! But it is only a few times larger."

It’s true that the wind is late, the white bugs are completely enlarged versions of the bugs, but the magnification is somewhat large.

The former white bugs were not the size of the millet, but the bugs were more than a foot long.

The hearts of the three elders of the wind sank to the bottom of the valley. These worms were so much larger than the previous worms, and certainly stronger than the little worms they encountered before.

More importantly, although these insects are more than a foot long, they are very light and can crawl on the surface of snow, but they can't.

If they fight, they don't even have the chance to escape because they can't run those bugs.

The wind is too late to take care of the three elders, and the sly rushed to the beginning of the cloud, and said with impatience:

"Thousands of squatting, you are the smartest, you are the best, fast, and hurry to find a way! Otherwise we have to die here!"

Cloud early: "..."

If it is not the wind that has been in the team all the time, she is skeptical that the late core of the wind has changed!

It is really too much of this transformation!

I had stabbed her two words before I was okay, but now I am taking a rainbow fart from time to time, but I am really not used to it.

In fact, there is no need to delay the rush, and Yunchu is already thinking about it.

However, the thinking of this goods is different from ordinary people. The first thought that flashed in her mind is, hey, the little insects that are parasitic on the three-legged ferrets are not the larvae of these big bugs?

In other words, those three-legged ferrets allow the locusts to help them hatch, and they themselves help these worms raise small worms?

The creatures on the Nether Snowfield are really helping each other!

This strange cooperative symbiosis is estimated to be related to the harsh climate of the Nether Snowfield.

After being beaten by the wind, the mind of Black Heart Nine finally returned to the right track and began to think about ways to deal with those bugs.

However, the speed of the worms was too fast. For a moment, she couldn't think of any way. She simply lit a firewood with the soul of the refining soul and threw it at the swarm.

No matter what, first shock them, use this opportunity to think of a solution.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that the soul of the refining soul could burn those larvae into ashes, which is definitely effective for these adults.

Unexpectedly, the bugs in the firewood were not serious, but just tumbling a few times on the snow and continued to climb forward.

This move of the cloud was not able to delay the speed of the swarm, but it angered the swarm and caught up more quickly.

At the beginning of the cloud, the frowns are frowned, and the effect of the firewood ignited with the refining soul will be greatly reduced. If the spirit of the refining soul is directly released, it should be better.

But once the soul of the refining soul can't see the light, the second is that even if the soul of the refining soul can burn a few bugs, it will not help, or you have to think of other methods as well.

The wind was too late to be discouraged. I also expected this little girl to come up with a good idea. Now it seems that it is also a poor skill.

At this time, Emperor Beibei said, "The crowd, we can't run these bugs, and we can save some physical strength by fighting in the same place."

However, in view of the strangeness of the previous bugs, try to attack as far as possible, not too close to them. ”

(End of this chapter)

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