Chapter 7488 Snow

Seeing the rapid approach of the snow, the wind elders and other people were tight and staring at the front, ready to shoot.

Everyone has an ominous premonition in their hearts, because from the length and width of the waves, the following things are definitely huge, can they be their opponents?

In the fear of the people, the waves are only a few feet away from the crowd.

Emperor Beibei suddenly shot, and the fierce sword gas rushed toward the wave in front.

The elders of the wind know the purpose of Emperor Beibei, and want to force the thing to appear, otherwise let it approach, they will be more passive.

The elders of the wind thought of this, and they also shot a sword.

There was an angry snoring under the snow in front, and the snow was shaken. The people finally saw what was under the snow.

It was a huge snow owl, covered with silver scales, and staring at everyone in the cold.

The elders of the wind three took a breath, and said incredulously: "This, this is not an ordinary snow owl! Look at its claws!"

There are only a pair of claws, but it seems to have a pair of claws behind it. It is likely to have the blood of the snow dragon and has been activated. ”

When everyone heard the words of the elders of the wind, they looked toward the abdomen of the ferrets. Sure enough, near the tail, there was a pair of extremely short claws underneath, which seemed to have just grown out for a long time.

One of the differences between the dragon and the dragon is that there are only one pair of claws, and the dragon has two pairs.

The face of the elders of the wind three is very dignified. One is afraid of the snow in front of him. The other is that the heart is very puzzled. Why is there so many things that have been extinct in the Netherland?

Is it really because the real winds are left behind?

At the beginning of the cloud, a pair of small eyes stared at the snow owl. Originally, she thought that there was something like a monster under the snow. I didn’t expect it to be a snow scorpion that inspired Xuelong’s blood.

I am afraid this stuff is a bit difficult!

However, it is reasonable to say that this snow shovel should immediately launch an attack. How did the wind three elders say a long time nonsense, and this thing has not moved yet?

At the beginning of the cloud, the reason was quickly discovered. The snow owl seems to be somewhat taboo, and it is still weighing the strength of both sides, so there is no rash attack.

I don't know why, the beginning of the cloud thought of a certain cold poison will become a silver snake, well, in fact, it is a silver dragon.

He has a natural fear of the dragon. Is it true that her little white face is really a beast? In this case, if they roll, bed, and single in the future, is her taste a bit... a little heavy?

If a certain person knows what Black Heart 9 thinks in his head at this time, it is estimated that he will be so angry that it is time to go, and there is still a leisurely thought of these messy things.

When the black heart was thinking, the snow squirted numerous ice cones to everyone, saying that the ice cone was almost the same size as the stone pillar, and it fell down to a large piece.

Emperor Beibei smashed a few ice cones on this side into a powder, and then took the cloud to his back.

At the same time, he released the ice dragon.

When the snow owl saw the ice dragon, it almost instinctively smashed a few times, and also took a few steps back.

However, it quickly realized that the ice dragon is just a sword spirit, and it does not need to be so embarrassing.

After Shi Lang realized this, he couldn't help but be angry, and countless ice cones came to the place where Emperor Beibei was.

(End of this chapter)

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