Chapter 7755 Cabbage Gang

Xin Wu screamed at the gang and almost cried out.

Do you want to treat this differently? !

When the former Miss Nine was commanded, these Chinese cabbages were so cute. How did they get to him, and used the cabbage to help him?

Others feel a little funny, but they are also very puzzled. Is it only Yun Qianyi who can direct these cabbages?

Why is that?

Some people don't believe in evil, but also want to try it, such as Shi Chong.

Unfortunately, he just lifted his arm and was given a cockroach by a cabbage gang, sitting directly on the ground.

A few people tried their best with the courage, and without exception, they were all smashed by the cabbage gang. Although it is not a serious injury, it is very embarrassing.

What's even more amazing is that those cabbages are directly turned into nothingness after they are finished. It is estimated that it is not really a cabbage helper. It should be the attack method of these Chinese cabbages.

As a result, everyone has identified two things.

First, these Chinese cabbages do have to be different from each other, although I don’t know what the reason is.

Second, these Chinese cabbages are not malicious to them for the time being, or else they will not only turn Xinwu and others into pigs.

Just, what is their purpose? Just to brush the presence?

At this moment, those cabbages moved, and the leaves shook, and the meaning was to let everyone follow them.

Everyone is hesitant, do you want to keep up?

The elders of the wind three bite their teeth and said: "We are now aimless. We should look at the past and maybe discover something."

Capricorn and others think about it, anyway, those cabbages don't look malicious.

So everyone followed.

Compared with the tension of the people, the beginning of the cloud is a fascinating trend.

However, her heart is up and down.

I don't know if it is an illusion. She thinks that these cabbages have a familiar feeling. It is also a subconscious behavior to raise their hands and beat before.

Is it difficult for her to spend the rest of her life free to plant cabbage in the snowfield? Is this not sick? ! Is it better to eat cabbage grown on the snowfield?

Also, those monsters that have been extinct appear again, will not be related to these cabbages?

When Yunchu was thinking about it, Emperor Beibei held her hand tightly, apparently aware that her uneasiness was to appease her.

Yunchu’s head turned over and smiled at the emperor’s north:

"Nothing, I am just thinking about how to eat cabbage. Is it used for stewing meat, or is it used for frying? In fact, hot pot is not bad."

The voice of the beginning of the cloud just fell, the former cabbages collectively smashed, and the east fell, like a storm destroyed.

The beginning of the cloud was amused!

She smiled and said: "Make you play! I like to eat meat, do not like to eat light green vegetables."

It is said that the cabbages are rearranged and continue to move forward.

The wind three elders and others look a bit complicated, these cabbages are not only looking at the clouds, but also very afraid of her, why?

Is it because she is a peerless (supreme) sword embryo? Or is it because the boots are fine?

Yun Qian bite his lip and bite his heart, and there is a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Every time I encounter strange things, Yun Qian will be out of the limelight.

Now even these Chinese cabbages are looking at her differently. Why? !

Naturally no one will answer the questions in the cloud centrifugation. What everyone cares about at this time is, where do these cabbages take them? What do you want to do?

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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