Chapter 7531 drawing cake

Emperor Xuan Xuan thought about it and felt that it was impossible.

The supreme power refers to an energy or something, and it is impossible to refer to a monster.

Is she lying?

His gaze fell on the cloud, and frowned: "As far as I know, there is no way for living things to enter the forbidden land. Why can you enter?"

When Emperor Xuan Zang asked this question, the pressure was spread out. In fact, the black heart that did not have a fart was hardly sweating out of the brain, and the voice shook a little:

"Home, this, I don't know this!

The fox seems to know something, but it doesn't say people after all, and I don't quite understand it. It probably means that I am different from others.

As for why it is not the same, I don't know. ”

Black heart nine hearts secretly, this old thing is too embarrassing, just talked to her with Yan Yue color, cold and unsuccessful began to attack, if other people are likely to be directly scared by him.

Emperor Xuan Zang stared at the beginning of the cloud and looked at it for a long while. She saw her cold and sweaty, but her eyes did not hide. It seems that the truth is true.

Of course, even so, he believed up to five points for the words of the cloud.

He thought about it and said: "The blood is a matter of great importance. You can't just rely on your words. So, go back first, I will arrange blood tests.

If your identity is true, everything that belongs to you will be returned to you.

But if you are telling lies..."

Emperor Xuan Zang did not say the words behind, but Yunchu knows that nothing is threatening.

She was a bit embarrassed, but now she is not so worried.

Even if the blood has verified the problem, Emperor Xuan Xuan will not want her life for a while.

Because, he also expected her to enter the forbidden land to help him again... pull the grass!

Her other skills are not, and the ability to make people's hearts is still possible.

The old fox of Emperor Xuan Zang is most concerned about the strength of the family.

She first painted him a big cake. As for whether the cake was white or glutinous, or even fake, it doesn't matter. He first hangs his appetite.

As for those herbs, even in the forbidden land, it is a good thing, and those monsters are honored to her. After all, she is the red man next to the giant monster.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about this, but my mouth said: "Right, my homeowner, in addition to the herb, I also brought a good thing."

Emperor Xuan Zang immediately brightened his eyes, right, before the gold guardian said that there is something in her parcel, and it is very hard, is it a good thing?

In the eyes of Emperor Xuanzong, Yun’s first come out with a long strip of stone placed on the book.

Emperor Xuan Zang looked at it and immediately became discouraged!

I thought it was a good thing, it was just a broken stone! Nothing strange!

At most, it looks a bit similar to a sword.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with some sorrow: "Although the memories of the past are blurred, I remember that many people will have swords behind them. There is no sword in the forbidden land. I have polished a stone and nothing to do with it.

The owner, in fact, the fox is not willing to let me out, saying that the outside is very dangerous, but I have known since childhood that I am different from those of the monsters.

I can't say a specific thing, but since I saw you, I feel very intimate and feel that this is the place where I should live. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, the voice brought some crying sounds, and the eyes were filled with tears.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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