Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7536: Pack it up sooner or later

Chapter 7536, pack it in the morning and evening

When everyone was planning to feed the golden medicinal herbs, Jin Hufa woke up.

He grabbed Emperor Chengfeng and cried with red eyes: "You didn't lie to me? Did the chessboard really fly back?"

Emperor Cheng Feng felt that his arm had to be cut off by the Golden Protection Law. He said in a busy way: "Really, it is true!"

"Where is it now?" Jin Huobao asked eagerly.

"When I saw it, I was flying around the prisoner's peak. It is estimated that it was not returned for a while, so I looked around." said Emperor Chengfeng.

Jin Hufa heard the words, and no longer asked, and let go of the emperor Feng Feng and he went out.

Emperor Xuan Zang and others looked speechless, but they also understood his mood, and they all went out of the yard.

When going out, Emperor Xuan Zang slightly frowned: "Cheng Feng, hasn’t the defensive group been open all these days? How did the chess board come in? Why didn’t the guards of the gates ask?”

Emperor Cheng Feng really didn't know the situation and said:

"Grandfather, I will investigate this. It is also possible that the guards feel that the chessboard is our treasure of the town, so it is directly put in."

Emperor Xuan Zang is not pleased: "Even if the chess board comes back, they have no right to put it in privately. If it is verified, it must be severely punished!"

Emperor Cheng Feng nodded and said that he was busy investigating the matter.

The wooden guardian law and others are very much in favor of the practice of Emperor Xuan Zang. Shanmen is an extremely important level. If those guards do not ask for instructions, they dare to go directly to the board and they should be severely punished.

Don't say that the chessboard is gone. It is the return of Emperor Xuan Zang, and he has to check the identity jade card. After all, the appearance is still relatively easy to disguise.

At this time, everyone has seen the chessboard in midair, don't look at the Longling emperor's no-fly, but it is useless for the chessboard.

This stuff was filled with the emperor's home before the disappearance. Fortunately, it was just a stroll, and it would not cause anything wrong.

At the same time, they also saw the gold protection method that was rushed out before.

Jin Hufa looked at the chessboard in midair and smashed his mouth.

No one knows how serious his self-blame and guilt is in his heart, and no one knows how heavy this is.

Lost the treasure of the town, he will not face to see the ancestors of the Longling Emperor.

He wants to find the whereabouts of the chessboard, but the two continents are so big, who knows where it ran? !

I thought that this knot could not be solved in this life. I didn’t expect the chessboard to fly back!

It’s true that God has eyes, and my ancestors bless!

The black heart inside the fengfengxuan heard the sound of snoring outside, and also ran out to see the excitement.

The goods saw the chessboard hovering in the air. The first thought was that the Longling emperor was not authentic, and he actually hid the chessboard.

However, after hearing the arguments of others, I realized that I had married the Longling Emperor.

It was really missing before the board, and this time I ran back.

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered that before the last game of the board, I left a sentence of "nonsense, there will be no future!", immediately hate the teeth, owe her money and dare to run, the chessboard is the first!

She blinked and knew that this thing would be easy to do at the Longling Emperor's house, and clean it up sooner or later!

Even if there is no way to take the chessboard, it doesn't matter. Anyway, she still has two gold guards in her hand.

The cough, specifically, is the fingerprint she pressed when she was in a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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