Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7541: Too hateful (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 7541 is too hateful (seeking a monthly pass)

When the chessboard is about to use the chess pieces to make the black heart nine into a sieve, suddenly I feel that the whole person, no, the whole board is not good!

Because it is falling uncontrollably, what is going on?

Is it that the Emperor Xuan Zang that old and undead wants to seal it?


Even if he wants to seal it, he must catch it first.

How could he control it if he didn't move?

The more you think about the chessboard, the more you feel evil, the more you think about it, the more you feel scared. What is happening in this?

First, I lost three pieces, and now I am still uncontrollable. Is this the day? !

The board of chess is now unable to take care of anything, and has made up the strength of the whole body. Finally, it has broken away from the strange power and flew away.

Too scary board!

It must be that the three pieces of it have been moved, otherwise it will not be like this.

It calmed down and thought that it was impossible for the people of the Emperor Xuan Zang to do it, because these people were very stupid and played by it.

Is it the skunk head of that eye?

The more I think about the chessboard, the more likely it is that she has hidden under the case. Maybe she has hidden her three pieces and has done something.


Too hateful!

Just how did she do it?

It is reasonable to say that even if someone hides its pawn, as long as it is summoned, it will be flushed out even if it is received into the storage ring.

However, how is it now?

Also, what did she do? Why is it falling down?

The chessboard is both fearful and resentful. I thought to myself, and after dark, it went to find the stinky girl.

It’s not that it brags, no one dares to do it with the exception of the previous creditors.

Emperor Xuan Zang looked at the direction of the chessboard away from the brow, and the chessboard became more and more unreliable.

Is it the same as the Golden Law, but also because it was hit last time? So... crazy?

He was steady and steady, and he saw that the bowl on the ground felt a little sad. It seems that he can only go in once again.

The beginning of the cloud is not obvious, but my heart is thinking about what I just did.

She was afraid of being stabbed by the chess piece before, so she hid under the case. It was a coincidence that three pieces of chess rolled to her side.

This cargo has always been the lord of the geese. I thought that the chess board owed so many good things to her, and immediately put out the claws and caught the three pieces in my hand.

Because she wanted to drop blood before, so she bit her finger and the blood on her finger was stained on the piece.

As a result, a strange scene happened and the three pieces disappeared.

Black Heart 9 quickly looked inside, and the results were seen from head to toe and did not find the three pieces.

This cargo immediately shrinks the neck, this is not her business! She can do nothing!

It must be a porcelain!

Yes, it’s just touching porcelain! No relationship with her!

Because of the guilty conscience, the goods were crawled out from the case and the wicked first complained. The Emperor Xuan Zang sealed the chessboard.

As a result, I still let the chess board run.

Black Heart is a bit embarrassed, but now the most urgent task is blood verification, so she calmed down her emotions.

She saw Emperor Xuan Zang once again entered the ancestral hall, and moved in the heart. If she could pass the natural thing, if she could not pass it, she would say that the water bowl was broken by the chessboard, so the verification result was not accurate.

With this in mind, this shop feels that the board has done a good thing.

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(End of this chapter)

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