Chapter 7550 is also OK?

Emperor Xuan Zang just wanted to explain, Yun Yunyi threw a bunch of Longjiao Zhi on the ground, and a small face covered with a layer of frost:

"If you are a lot of age, you will be convicted without asking. It is really far worse than my big brother!"

Da Bozu, they bully me, you have to give me the master! ”

Emperor Xuanyuan: "..."

Fire protection law and others did not hear what Yunchu said, their old eyes are straight!

The Golden Protection Law also smashed the fire protection method next to it. The fire protection method angered: "What do you want me to do?!"

Jin Hufa swallowed and said: "I want to see if I am dreaming. Since you know the pain, it means it is true!"

My God, how can there be so many dragon horns? ! Get rich! This is rich! ”

The fire protection method has to bite the teeth straight, and it is too lazy to compare with the gold protection method. When you reach out and pick up a Longjiao, you can check it carefully. It is really Longjiao.

A few people turned and looked at the Emperor Xuan Zang: "Home, this, where are these Dragon Knife?"

Emperor Xuan Zang’s face was quite complicated and he looked at the grievances of the cloud and said, “Let’s ask for it!”

Black heart is in the heart of a happy, hey, the old fox finally loosened, is this acknowledging her identity?

Jin Hufa and others did not pay attention to this point, and eagerly asked: "Little girl, what is going on here?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I snorted: "Hey, don't ask me! I'm just a fake, maybe it's a spy, you still grab me!"

Emperor Xuan Zang warned her, and the attitude of the goods immediately came a 180-degree turn:

"Things are like this. I used to listen to the wood guardian law and said that this Longjiao is a good thing. I think that since it is a good thing, it is naturally more good!"

So, I finally thought of a good way to think about it..."

When the cloud began to paint the color and said things, Jin Hufa and others looked stunned.

Is this OK?

They had spent a lot of effort before, and they could only pick three at a time.

This little girl crying and crying can turn more than a thousand dragon horns?

I knew that they were crying too!

As for what is on the face, how is Longjiazhi important!

Besides, the homeowners are shameless, what are they afraid of? !

Jin Hufa laughed and said: "You little girl is really a lucky star. Since you appeared, it is a good thing!"

First, the chess board flew back, and then I broke through. Now you have turned so many dragon horns, this is a good thing!

If there is any difficulty in the future, come to me, I will help you solve it! ”

Black heart is funny in my heart. If this old thing knows that she is Yun Qianyi in the future, I don’t know if I will be mad!

The goods thought in my heart, but I thanked them again and again.

Although the wooden guardian and others did not say anything, the attitude toward the beginning of the cloud was better than before. Anyway, it was able to get so many Longhorn Chi, this emperor took the first effort!

At this time, Emperor Xuan Zang said to Yunchu: "The weather is not too early. Go back first. I will let people call you when something happens."

At the beginning of the cloud, there was still no salute, and he went out.

The fire protection method frowned. "This little girl has nothing to say, and this number is really lacking."

Jin Hufa snorted: "She has never taught since she was a child. Naturally, I don't know what kind of rituals. You are purely a bone in the egg.

Such a blessed little girl, even if it is rude, is ten thousand times stronger than Yun Qianyi’s stinky! ”

(End of this chapter)

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