Chapter 7565 is too small

Emperor Cheng Feng whispered: "Enough! Now Grandfather is suppressing the Emperor's Bone Beast. Are you not adding chaos to them?!

If you are coming again, I will let my grandfather cancel the qualifications of both of you. ”

Emperor Cheng Chenghua next to Emperor Chenglian took her to the side. At this time, it really should not be disputed with the emperor, and it is really possible to be disqualified.

Emperor Chenglian was so angry that the waste would dare to beat her? Really looking for death!

Now she can't help her, wait for the bones and let her look good.

Emperor Cheng Feng did not agree to look at the cloud at first glance, the heart said, this emperor has been cherished after all, is growing up in the forbidden land, a little human world does not understand.

She is so weak that she alone may not be able to protect her. She should have a good relationship with other people. It is good now. If she has not yet entered, she will offend one.

At the beginning of the cloud, he rushed to him: "There are few homeowners, have you not answered my question yet?"

When we enter the bones for a while, what about other bone beasts besieging us? ”

Emperor Cheng Feng sighed in his heart, but still explained:

"You can rest assured that there will be residual seal power when the bones begin, and the bone beasts inside are afraid to gather at the entrance at that time.

However, the force of the seal is limited and only enough for ten people to enter, which is why only ten of us entered the cave. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I realized it.

She squinted her eyes: "When that enters the bones, those empire-level bone beasts will not run over and kill them?"

"The gods of the War Emperor's Bone Beast are powerful, but they can only be fierce in the outside world. Within the cave, they will be restricted.

As long as they don't break into their territory, they can't attack us. "Emperor Feng Feng explained patiently.

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed with relief: "It turned out to be like this, then I am relieved, scared me!"

When Emperor Cheng Feng suddenly felt a little tired, the courage of this emperor was too small, and it would certainly be a burden to enter the cave.

But she has a special status, only she can enter and leave the forbidden place, even if she knows it is cumbersome.

Where did he know that Blackheart Nine said that he was relieved and that he understood two meanings.

She is not satisfied with entering the bones, but she is only practicing inside. She wants bones and bone springs.

She was worried that when she provoked the Emperor's Bone Beast, she would be connected with Emperor Cheng Feng and others. Now, as soon as the original Warrior Bone Beast will not leave the territory, it will be much easier.

As for whether she can defeat the War Emperor's Bone Beast, this product is neglected selectively.

There are more and more ghosts in the beast, and the emperor Xuan Zang and others are more than enough to deal with them. After all, their strength is there.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was discovered that the ghosts of the beasts did not look the same as the monsters of the outside world. It seems that Emperor Xuan Zang said that the bones of the bones should be left behind by the ancient era of the Feng family.

At this point, the sky is gradually darkening.

Emperor Cheng Feng said to Yunchu and others: "Everyone is ready for a while. After a grandfather opens the bones, they enter in order. Don't delay the time, otherwise you will not be punished."

The people nodded and said that the emperor Cheng Feng also deliberately smashed the beginning of the cloud.

Although Yunchu believes that Emperor Chengfeng is somewhat embarrassed, he has to admit that Emperor Chengfeng is a conscientious person.

When I think of myself, I have to give people the position of a small family owner. Instead, this product has some guilty conscience.

The ghosts of the beasts no longer appear, and the time to open the bones is here.

(End of this chapter)

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