Chapter 7592 whispering

"Haha! Haha! Sacrifice the bones of the sky? Do you really believe this ghost?"

What is this adult's bones? Tell you the truth, this adult is a cave! As long as this adult has a thought, you all have to die!

Hey, if I didn't want to swindle this stupid girl and send me back to the bones, I wouldn't pretend to sacrifice the bones of heaven!

What are you doing? !

Still not giving this adult a slap? ! Do you want to die? ! "The red body shape suddenly became bigger, and under the huge bone wing fan, the scene of flying sand and stone was staged.

Not to mention, it’s really amazing.

There is no point in the red heart. It doesn't last long, and I don't know if this stupidity can be believed.

At the beginning of the cloud, the face was incredible, and his face was pale and scary. She sat down on the ground directly:

"You, you, you have been lying to me? It is clear that there is a stone monument in the place where you found you, it is said that you are the bone of the heavens.

I just use the secret method to sacrifice your heaven, the seal will open, you are talking nonsense! ”

The red screamed coldly: "Don't dare to question this adult?! It's really alive! If it's not for you to be a temporary host, I will kill you now!"

A group of idiots!

Want to completely unlock the seal, the key is still on the bone spring, what the **** is not going to work! ”

The beginning of the cloud reveals suspicious colors on his face, and he still has a few fears: "You, you can talk when you talk, can you, can you become smaller, look too scary!"

The red snoring snorted: "It's really trouble!"

However, the body has been reduced.

This goods gave the black heart nine points a big praise, the stinky **** is smart, knowing that it can't hold on, and find a step for it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned to look at the wolf bone beast and lowered my voice.

"Wolf adult, I am a bit confused now! Do you think it is true?

When I was in the forbidden land, I clearly saw that the stone was written on the stone. How can it now say that he is a cave? ”

The wolf-bone beast has not spoken yet, and the red dragonfly is cold and shouts: "Smuggling, rotten mouth! A nest of piglets!"

Cloud early: "..."

This sentence is not what she taught!

The wolf-bone beast had some doubts about the beginning of the cloud, but after seeing it, I felt that the little girl was also cheated.

Then the question is coming. Is this red skull a sacrifice for the bones of the sky or the cave?

The wolf-bone beast had no idea at the moment and had to look at other bone beasts.

Other bone beasts are obviously a little embarrassed. The skeletal beasts are all over the sky, looking at the threat of threatening her, let her tell the truth, or kill her.

The smile of the face of the cloud at first glance: "I can immediately swear to the sky, if I know in advance that it is not the bone of the sacrifice, let me thunder and not die!"

Most adults, I am so weak, even if I want to bully you with it, it is impossible to listen to me!

You are just disappointed, I am desperate now!

I was also counting on opening the seal to help you destroy the Longling Emperor, but now, hey!

I am no longer different when I am alive and dead. If you feel that I have deceived you, you have killed me! ”

In the eyes of the skeletal beast, a flash of calculations was made, and the claws seemed to be trying to shoot the dead clouds.

Red 骷髅 did not care to say: "I have no opinion in killing her, I originally disliked her too weak!

It’s just that I want to change my Shinjuku body. You can do it at any one except the big stupid who doesn’t talk about hygiene.

There is no loss in becoming my host, but it will only be reduced if it is repaired. ”

(End of this chapter)

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