Chapter 7606 insists on victory

The red dragonfly glanced at the dog's tail grass with a hollow eye, and thought about the 200,000 spar that was promised by Yunchu, and said to the beginning of the cloud:

"If you still pit me this time, I really don't work with you anymore."

"This time I will give you money first, lest you don't worry." Yunchu said sincerely.

The red dragonfly had already stood up, and when he heard the first words of the cloud, he was so scared that he sat down on the ground.


Too bad!

Want to give it money in advance? She must not be well!

At the beginning of the cloud, she was speechless. She just wanted to make the red 骷髅 peace of mind. How could she still be scared?

The red dragonfly said that he did not dare to take the money first. If there is an abnormality, there will be a demon, and it will not be fooled!

At the beginning of the cloud, he also confessed a few words in red, and saw that he had a well-thought-out look and did not say more.

There was still a period of time since the sand wave appeared. The cloud was quiet and calm and continued to cultivate. Now I think too much and it is useless. I will say it after getting the bones.

After an hour, the black beads flew back to the eyebrows of the cloud.

Yunchu knows that Shalang is coming!

She quickly put the two dogs together and took a few red words, which went into the cave.

The red heart is a bit sour, and when you have a good time, you don't want it. When you encounter this dangerous thing, you think about it.

The most hateful thing is the dog's tail grass. If it doesn't matter, it threatens it. Does it really know something?

It is reasonable to say no!

However, the dead grass may have been living for many years, and it is normal to know something.

When the red cockroach was in the heart, a sand wave suddenly leaped and rushed to the sky.

Although the red dragonfly was prepared, it still issued a scream of screaming: "Help! Help!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard a glimpse of it. I decided that this time I didn’t have a good bone. It’s really terrible!

The dog's tail grass is pleasing to the eye. I think this kind of drama can be played once a day, so that the bones are not so good.

The red screaming calls for calling, and has not forgotten the business.

It tried to grab the stone with the right hand bone. Unfortunately, the stone's momentum was too great. If you didn't grab the stone, you couldn't say it.

It tried to grab with the left hand bone, which is still the same result.

Red 骷髅 is a little anxious!

It has already done a monkey, if you can't get a stone, you can't be guilty? !

In a hurry, it opened the jaw directly and swallowed a stone.

Its skull is harder than other bones, so every time it falls apart, the other bones will be torn apart and the skull will be intact.

The red cockroaches felt that their skulls would be rushed by stones!

This kind of goods can not help but regret it. If the **** is broken up, it may fall into dormancy.

This goods meditation: "200,000, for 200,000, hold on! Persistence is victory! The head of this adult is unparalleled in the world, the world is the first! Certainly!"

I don't know if the psychological suggestion of this goods has played a role. The momentum of the stone is getting smaller and smaller, and the sand waves under the **** are falling slowly.

After a while, the **** fell to the sand.

The color of the eyes in the empty eyes of Shantou became a surprise! 200,000 hands!

The goods are afraid of things changing, and they are not allowed to collect the bones of the seventy-eight, and they are directly caught in the cave where the clouds are hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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