Chapter 7618 is pitted

To the surprise of the big man, it didn't take too long under the sand, and found that there was no need for the boulder around.

Even the former mustards were re-rushed out.

Daxie breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart said that it had already sneaked under the sand anyway. As for those who had to be on the straits, they would not turn it off.

At this time, the red dragonfly is explaining the battle situation to the cloud:

"It’s the stone I chose, it’s fierce! It’s already broken!”

"Is it just a swallow of stones? It has become so big! It seems that other stones are also sent to death, and can not avoid the fate of being swallowed!"

"It seems that it is only a matter of time before it wins. Others must be threatened by it."


At the beginning of the cloud, I heard a little sigh of relief, but there was still a worry in my heart.

Until now, she and the sacred stone have no connection with God, and I don’t know if it is a contractual success. If there is no contract success, will she not be busy?

However, she can't do anything now, she can only wait and see.

After another half hour, the red screamed and said: "There is only one stone that must be left. It must be completely triumphed!

Oops, how did it fly to the sky?

You are calling it back! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard that I had to die as a living horse doctor and shouted: "Small stones, come back! Come back soon!"

"You loudly, it may not have heard, but also fly up!" Red said anxiously.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was an ominous premonition in the heart. I was afraid that she wouldn’t use her throat to scream. The stone didn’t have a contract with her. It’s just stinky and turned her blood!

Even so, the cloud began to shout a few times, no eggs.

The red dragonfly also saw the cockroaches in it, it shook its own hoe, and some gloating said:

"Oh, I didn't expect it. Someone was overturned in the gutter! It was always a pit person on weekdays. I didn't expect it to be pitted by a stone."

The second dog immediately gave it a paw: "You are an idiot! The little fairy is pitted, you don't help to find a way, still gloating here!

Your conscience is... I ate? ! ”

The red screamed coldly: "What can I think?! Before I could catch the stone, I could fly into the air with the help of the sand waves. Now there is no sand wave, I can't fly so high.

Besides, this is not the case, the Shoushi absorbed other Shoushi, even if I broke my hoe, I couldn't stand it. ”

The red voice is just falling, and the sky is bright!

At this time, the top of the skull is different from the light of the past. At this time, there is only one round of dazzling sun.

The two dogs licked their mouths: "The stone must be installed on the wall, isn't it a broken stone? It really makes you a sun!"

The red heart is also sour and sour, it is not so prestige, and where is the face of the loss of one's own hand? !

At the beginning of the cloud, I was silent for a while, let the two dogs greet the big cockroaches, put them into the vet bag, and returned to the ground.

Complaints and frustrations can't solve any problems. Since things have already happened, you can only accept this fact.

Now the sky is bright, and there has been such a big change. Soon the warlord-level bone beast will soon come over and inquire about the news. She has to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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