Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7623: When I didn’t say anything (question for a monthly pass)

Chapter 7623 when I didn't say anything (question for a monthly pass)

After dawn, those empire-level bone beasts ran over with sincerity and fear.

The cloud crest and the sacred stone contract caused the shaking of the bones. They did not know what happened, and it was very uneasy.

According to the words of the beginning of the cloud, the red dragonfly appeased:

"Nothing, but this adult is trying to open the channel. There is still a lack of ignition. You can honestly help the adults to collect the bones!"

The bone beasts did not suspect him, and they quickly dispersed.

The beginning of the cloud is a matter of pondering the stone in the heart. She compared the situation of the mirror and the cave, and found that the situation of the stone and the ball was different.

The ball of wool is obviously the spirit of the body of the virtual mirror, and the stone must be part of the cave.

She speculated that the bones may not be refining and refining at the time of refining, so some of them are self-generated after they leave the subject.

Who is the original owner of this cave? Why are there bones looking for a small white face? Why are there so many bone beasts?

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t understand it. My heart said, I don’t know how much I need to know about it. Now I can’t ask anything about it, and I have to cultivate my feelings slowly.

In the evening, the clouds begin to greet Shoushi to talk.

The sacred stone hesitated, or flew down.

At the beginning of the cloud, I opened the door and asked, "Can you control the opening of the cave?"

It is obvious that the Sedoshi will not speak, and the cloud can only be judged by the emotions it transmits.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the cloud, there was an experience of communicating with them. It took some time to guess that it was necessary to take a while to control the bones.

Yunchu was quite satisfied with this answer. Anyway, I should not use that small bone for the time being. Waiting for some time is fine.

At the beginning of the cloud, he did not ask other questions. The stone must have been reluctant. If asked more, it would make it more resistant.

As for how to leave the area of ​​the War Emperor's Bone Beast, this is not difficult.

At that time, the Sergeant must keep the bones in the dark, and the wolf-beasts would not dare to come out. She could sway to the entrance and wait.

Soon, two days have passed, and Yunchu feels that he can leave.

She let the red dragonfly lead the way and rushed to the entrance.

The red cockroach said with some emotion: "You said that those empire-level bone beasts found that they are slipping away, will they be mad?

They helped you get so many bones, and the day you waited to leave the bones, you just left.

Are you a little hurt by doing this? ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I said lightly: "Then you are staying well, continue to be your cave spirit."

Red 骷髅: "Well, when I didn't say anything."

The road was very smooth, and the first day of the cloud arrived near the entrance one day earlier.

She released the dog's tail grass and asked it to search for the location of Emperor Chengfeng and others, and then came to a touching scene after the robbery.

After the goods finished grinding this matter, I suddenly remembered a problem.

Whether it is too virtual mirror or black beads can be changed into small things, and even hidden in her dantian.

So can the bones be?

Sumiyoshi said that it could not fully control the bones for the time being. Doesn't it mean that she can't take the bones with her at any time?

It seems that the emperor has to bear this identity and manage it well, and it may be used in the future.

When the cloud was first thought of, the voice of the two dogs was weak inside the beast bag:

"Little fairy, do you promise my meat? I don't want to smash the cabbage again!"

Tomorrow will continue at noon, rolling out to sell the tickets, what?

(End of this chapter)

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