Chapter 7626, the two dogs of sad reminder

After Emperor Xuanzhao and others closed the bones, they observed it for a while and saw no abnormalities. This focused attention on Emperor Cheng Feng and others.

Jin Hufa said: "I don't see any injuries in your body. It seems that this time is very smooth. I think it will be harvested."

Come out and let me know! How can you estimate dozens of red bone crystals? ”

Emperor Cheng Feng and others immediately hanged their heads and hated to find a way to sneak into it.

Dozens of red bone crystals?

They got seven red bones in total, which is a bit shameful.

Emperor Xuan Zang saw them look different, frowning: "Cheng Feng, you, what is going on?"

Emperor Cheng Feng said the story of the original, and then shyly said: "Grandfather, this time because of my negligence almost let the loss of life, I am willing to accept punishment."

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought that this Emperor Chengfeng was really quite responsible. The old fox of the Emperor Xuanyuan still had a set of younger generations.

When Emperor Xuan Zang heard the words of Emperor Cheng Feng, he frowned slightly, and the emperor cherished that the little girl could actually do such a big and upright thing?

How do you feel a little bit guilty?

However, he is more concerned about the changes in the cave.

They also have a big change in their face, why did the bones change like this? Is this change good or bad?

At this time, the wood guardian said: "Homeowners, let Cheng Feng go back to rest, and wait until tomorrow to ask in detail."

Emperor Xuan Zang nodded and took them away from the peak.

When the people just left the peak, there was a sound of a crack in the sky.

Everyone hurriedly turned around. When they arrived, they found that the peak had ceased to exist and the entire mountain was razed to the ground.

Emperor Xuan Zang and other people suddenly have a blank mind, the bones are gone!

Although I already had this cognition in my heart, they carefully examined it again, and finally it was a look of sorrow.

The bones of the Longling Emperor’s family are gone!

The beginning of the cloud is also a slap in the face. Is the Shoushi stone not going to turn the bones away?

Lying in the trough!

If this is the case, will she not take a shower on the bamboo basket? !

She sensed it with the knowledge of the gods and found that the consciousness of the stone was still there, and it was a slight relief.

"Small stone, how is this going?" Yun Yunyi asked with the gods.

It is a pity that the consciousness of Sumiyoshi is like death, and she did not pay attention to her.

The beginning of the cloud did not dare to force too tight, anyway, the contract is still there, and the bones can be dug up sooner or later.

Emperor Xuan Zang and Jin Huo Law left them to investigate and let the clouds begin to scatter them.

At the beginning of the cloud, I returned to the temperate Xuan Xuan and had not had time to bathe and change clothes. The screams of the two dogs were heard inside the spirit beast bag:

"Little fairy, cough! Help, help! Cough! Hurry, save me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he was shocked and rushed into the poetry bag.

Seeing the situation of the two dogs, the first look of the cloud was stunned.

I saw a collar with a bone shape on the neck of the two dogs. At this time, the neck of the two dogs was smothered, and the tongue of the two dogs pulled out the old man, and it was about to be strangled!

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t think too much. I quickly put the two dogs out and used my hand to pick up the bone collar.

However, the bone collar is very strange, and there is no way to save the two dogs without the help of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he bit his teeth and took out the broken sword, ready to cut the collar.

Just then, the bone collar became a few laps, and it was no longer the neck of the two dogs.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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