Chapter 7631

Yunchu also got these news, but it was not learned from other sources, but it was said by Emperor Chenglian.

I don't know what kind of psychology the Emperor Chenglian is from. After coming out of the bones, I will run away from time to time.

At first, I was somewhat uncomfortable. Later, even the rice was taken for granted.

At this time, Emperor Chenglian sighed while licking the seeds:

"Unfortunately, when the last Qiankun Grotto was opened, I missed something and I have never seen the cloud."

Listening to the Shaojia master said that although the cloud Qianyi was not very good, but the temperament was several times stronger than the cloud.

Unexpectedly, I was missing. In all likelihood, I was already dead. ”

Cloud early: "..."

Do you use my corpse to give you?

Emperor Chenglian continued: "However, some of her thoughts still have no way to make people agree. For example, she said that regardless of the gods, the different devils or the orcs are the same, can live in peace, is this not a dream? ?!

How can the three parties be in peace with each other? ! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, she glanced at her: "This is not necessarily true. If certain conditions are met, it will be reached."

Emperor Chenglian licked his mouth: "Then you talk about, under what conditions, the three tribes will live in harmony?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes of Ba Baba: "Three conditions can satisfy this condition. If one party is alone, the other five parties can only listen unconditionally. At this time, it is not necessary to get along with you, because you will be cleaned up if you don't obey."

Emperor Chenglian immediately put the Longling emperor into it, and felt that if the Longling emperor unified the two reigns, the devils and the orcs would not dare to swear again, at least on the surface should be able to live in harmony.

"What about the second situation?" Emperor Cheng Lian asked.

"If suddenly there is a strong foreign enemy, then the six parties can only be forced to join forces, or else they will die!" Yunchu said.

Emperor Chenglian licked his mouth: "There is basically no possibility. In addition to the three ethnic groups, there are no other powerful ethnic groups, let alone the forces that can be dealt with by our three tribes."

At the beginning of the cloud, she did not argue with her. The heart said that if the master of the giant hand is not among the six forces, then there must be a powerful force behind him.

At this time, Emperor Chenglian drank a cup of tea and asked: "What is the third situation?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled: "The third situation is simple. Suddenly there is a person with a very attractive personality. The six parties will surrender, and naturally they will live in harmony, like me."


The tea that Emperor Chenglian just drank in his mouth all sprayed out!

Emperor Chenglian’s face is speechless: “I can still point to the face of the emperor. I think you are thicker than the cloud, so you can say it?”

At the beginning of the cloud, I shrugged my shoulders: "There is nothing to say, you know, I am a person with a peerless sword, maybe one day will fly!"

You give me more food, and I will cover you! ”

When Emperor Chenglian turned a blind eye, she would have been an idiot to say a dream.

At the beginning of the cloud, I wanted to whisper a few words with Emperor Chenglian. The sounds in the storage ring trembled.

She was afraid that it was sent by the emperor, and there was something urgent. I found a headman who sent the emperor to pass away.

She went back to the bedroom and took out the sounds and looked at it and found that it was sent by Capricorn.

She frowned, and she plunged into the gods.

There was a roar of madness and anger:

"Yun Qianyi! Where are you going to die! If you don't reply to me again, I will make you a special thing for the different devils!"

"You are a stinky girl! Even with ordinary cabbage to fool me, it hurts me to be stung by the demon. If you don't give me an explanation for this matter, I killed you!"


Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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