Chapter 7640

The stone elders and the ancestral hall nodded. After all, since they have already arrived here, they are actually ready to die.

Sometimes it is so strange, on weekdays, intrigue, selfishness, but when this kind of danger is encountered, the goodwill in the depths of the heart will be magnified infinitely, bravely and first, without fear.

Others have no objections. Their repairs are limited. If they go with it, they will be dragged their feet. It is better to wait for news in Cangbei City.

Of course, there are also people who are not interested, such as the black heart nine.

"Golden Law, take me with me! I can run fast, and promise not to drag your hind legs." Blackheart said with a smile.

Jin Hufa took a look at her. Who is the little nephew? Do you have no points in your heart?

"No! Your repair is too low, and immediately return to Cangbei City with other people, otherwise I will send you directly back to the Longling Emperor." Jin Hufa said with a cold face.

At the beginning of the cloud, he saw his tone firm and flattened his mouth: "Well, then I will not go."

Jin Hufa also smashed the deputy leader of the Emperor Xuan Zhou, probably meaning that if he did not come back on time, then don't wait in Cangbei City, and evacuate the emperor Xuan Zang.

The elders of the stone and the priests of the ancestors are so savage, if they are not able to do so, these people will stay here to die.

Of course, the three are also just in case. In fact, they are not so pessimistic. After all, they just want to take a closer look and do not intend to sneak into the water.

After the hustle and bustle, the three immediately set off for the edge of the Passive Sea.

In the front more than a hundred miles can also take a flying boat, the back can only walk to.

As the distance gets closer, the sound of the tsunami is getting bigger and bigger.

There are still about twenty miles away from the passive sea. The three people are faintly aware of the sense of power and shock.

The faces of the three people could not help but show the color of horror. How is this possible? !

Could it be that there is a strong presence in this passive sea? Otherwise why is there such a big pressure?

This has not yet entered the passive sea. If it is within it, the pressure is not greater?

Jin Hufa took out the sounds and wanted to report this discovery to Emperor Xuanzong. It turned out that the sounds were invalid.

The stone elders and the ancestral hall owners also had this plan, and the result was also a stunned look.

"Two, things are beyond our expectations. It is better for us to go back and report the news first, and then to investigate again." Stone elder said.

Of course, they are ready to die, but they can't die blindly, so they have to die.

The Golden Guardian and the Priest also had this intention, and the three immediately turned around and prepared to return to Cangbei City.

What I never expected was that the speed of seawater in the passive sea suddenly increased, and the huge waves rolled over, almost instantly spread over ten miles, only a few miles away from them.

As long as they come over a huge wave, they will be caught in the sea.

The face of the three men suddenly changed, almost making up the strength of life to quickly escape, but the pressure of the pressure has increased, the three hearts have insufficient strength, how to run and run fast.

The hearts of the three men suddenly screamed, finished! Their lives are to be accounted for here.

Although the three people have water-avoiding beads, they are not afraid of flooding, but can the passive sea otter be compared with ordinary sea water? !

There must be a terrible existence in this passive sea. If it is submerged, it will be lost in all likelihood.

(End of this chapter)

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