Chapter 7648 says nothing when there is no money.

When Daxie was proud, he heard the coolness of the cloud and said:

"The charm beads are gone, what about the beads?"

Dad had a moment to think that the beginning of the cloud would read the mind, or how would she know that she still had a confusing bead?

It just had to be denied, and he listened to the beginning of the cloud and said: "If you eat me, drink me, I have to help you find Poseidon. Are you still hiding?"

Forget it, I don't force it. If you don't give it, don't give it! ”

Daxie originally wanted to struggle, but now I’m listening to Yun’s first words, and suddenly I’m in a hurry. It’s too familiar with this stink!

Every time she retreats, she is pondering bad water. If it doesn't have some blood this time, I am afraid I will suffer.

So the painful pain took out five confusing beads, said pitifully: "This time really is gone!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he was too lazy to poke it and took it back to the Warcraft bag.

She pondered a bit, and the confusing beads were too eye-catching. Secondly, she thought about the key time to absorb, so she could only use hundreds of charm beads in her hand.

A few hundred are too few, you have to find a way to make money.

She turned to the lively street before, and her eyes turned and looked for opportunities to make money.

In the end, the goods fell on the gambling shop. For her, this is the fastest way to get the money.

So, after the goods paid the entrance fee of five charm beads, they entered the gambling shop with the conch shell.

Like all gambling shops, the voices inside are noisy, coming from time to time or ecstatic or desperate.

In the gambling shop, there is no way to use the power of charm, but also the gods to ban, to avoid cheating.

It is a pity that this confession of the gods does not have any use for black hearts. This product feels that you have to make a fortune!

Sure enough, not long after, I won a lot of chips by simple guessing. It is estimated that if I change to charm beads, I have to have tens of thousands.

If the black heart is good, it will be collected. The gambling shop is not a good child. If you win too much, you must not be knocked.

Therefore, this goods will be replaced by a jewel shop.

The goods could not help but sigh, if not to save Xinwu and inquire about the news, she can put this gambling on the win!

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out the gambling shop and observed it for a moment. He didn't see a trailing person, so he entered the restaurant with confidence.

The restaurant is very stylish, and the incoming seas seem to be worthy. From these people, they can find more useful news.

The folks of the restaurant are all octopus families, and one person can satisfy the serving requirements of several tables of guests, because there are many people with more wrists!

The buddy in the store saw the beginning of the cloud coming in, and the face brought some lightness and color, and brought the cloud to the seat in the corner.

"What to eat? I have to remind you that the cheapest cold red algae in our store also has a hundred charm beads. Don't pay for it when you finish eating it," said the contemptuous man.

At the beginning of the cloud, he picked up his eyebrows: "Why, are you afraid that I can't pay the bill?"

The buddy grinned: "Who doesn't know that your hermit crab family is the most tricky, or else the shellfish's body will not be missed."

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed coldly: "Others are others, I am me! I have money! What, give me a plate of red algae."

The buddy waited for a while, seeing that Yun Yun did not continue to order, and urged: "What else?"

"A second pot of hot water without money, I recently lost weight, can not eat staple food, can only eat algae." Cloud early faint.

Dude: Just say no money!

(End of this chapter)

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