Chapter 7654

At the beginning of the cloud, the stunned Xinwu smashed into the bubble and passed through the enchantment.

Xinwu only feels that the door to the new world has been opened. What is this bubble? Can you pass through the enchantment of the sea?

He has a question about his stomach, but unfortunately, now is not the time to ask, can only kneel.

At the beginning of the cloud, the little eyes of Xinwu’s worship, the heart is funny and proud, a bubble is shocked? If she gave him a bunch of colored bubbles, she would not scare him? !

At the beginning of the cloud, the puzzle was gathered and the bubble dissipated.

When Xin Wu’s body slammed, the cloud couldn’t help but frown.

She forgot an important thing.

There is a pressure on the roots of the sea in the sea. She doesn't care, but Xinwu can't stand it.

How is this good?

Xin Wu reluctantly stabilized his body. He clenched his teeth and prevented himself from being exposed. Otherwise, the former Haizu would doubt him.

The beginning of the cloud is a bit difficult. It is obviously too close to the original branch, so the response of Xinwu will be so great.

However, if she escapes with Xinwu, she loses the opportunity to get close to the source, what should I do?

She glanced around for a circle, her eyes turned and she had an idea.

She deliberately lags behind the seas and puts the big cock.

"Large, let Xin Wu get into your shell, then you dive under the sand and go north.

Almost everyone now gathers in the roots of the source, and the alert is loose. If you are careful, you can safely reach the shore.

When I cut off the source branches, I will go to your meeting. "The beginning of the cloud said.

Dad reluctantly said: "Can I refuse?"


Daxie didn't say it anymore because it knew it and it didn't work.

When Yunchu felt that it was necessary to give a sweet date, he said:

"You can rest assured that I will definitely have to go to other places to cut the branches of the vines in the future. If I have captured the charm beads and the confusing beads, I will divide you half."

Although Daxie felt that this cake was a bit illusory, but it was a bit of a rush, and it was a good mood.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked around and determined that no one was paying attention to it. I threw the big **** into the sea, and then rushed to Xin Wunu.

Xin Wu’s face was pale and he couldn’t say anything. He quickly followed the big sneak into the sea.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it, and released the dog's tail grass, let it go along with it, so that she could determine their location so that they would meet in a while.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that Daxie had sneaked into the sand with Xinwu, and I was relieved.

The direction of the source branches is exactly the opposite of the big ones. As long as they are not particularly bad luck, there will be no big problems.

Even if it was discovered, Daxie was something in the sea. They couldn’t think of hiding people inside, so they wouldn’t have to pay for it.

What's more, there is no big skill, at least the shell is hard enough, and there is no big problem with self-protection.

At the beginning of the cloud, the chasing of the seas in the direction of the departure of the sea, she would like to blame the so-called origin of the vines is what a ghost thing.

At the beginning of the cloud, I traveled for about a dozen miles and saw a lot of sea people gathered in front, but her eyes at this time fell on the roots of the people behind them.

The source of the vines is crystal clear and crystal clear. If it does not seem to have a confusing flow, it will merge with the surrounding sea water, which is hard to find with the naked eye.

Look far away and extend to the end of the vision.

(End of this chapter)

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