Chapter 7666 is in the heart of collapse

At this point, the heart of the black heart is broken!

She never thought that Jing Huan would have such a move.

She was a little annoyed in her heart. She had some swells recently. Otherwise, she should have thought of the babies who had talked about the original babies.

Too big to say!

However, it is useless to say that now, you still have to hurry to find ways to mix the past.

It is a pity that even if she has a great ability, she can't make herself a little king. What should I do?

There was a lot of thoughts flashing in the head of the cloud, and the virtual mirror was still asleep, and I couldn’t hope for it.

The most feasible one is to release the big cockroach, she hides inside.

However, it is surrounded by the sea people. Let's not say that she has become a big cockroach. The key is that she can't be seen when she enters the big shackles. Otherwise, it is not a trick.

She can't use the power of charm because the small lightning in her eyes is too recognizable.

Black ink can't be used, because this is also the place without silver.

Black Heart Nine is really anxious!


When the goods were in a hurry, the corner of the eye was shining, and I couldn’t help but move.

Not far from her, a sea has just turned out to be a big squid.

The bad water of this cargo immediately came up!

She deliberately squeezed into the big squid, and covered the dog's tail grass through the sleeves.

The dog's tail grass will make the body very small, and now the sea people are changing, it is the time of chaos, so the dog's tail grass God swims to the big squid's ink sac, and fights it. I took a moment to die.

The unlucky big squid almost instinctively reacted, and immediately sprayed a large amount of black ink, which blackened a large area of ​​seawater.

At the beginning of the cloud, this effort was released and the drill was made.

At this point, there is already a lot of chaos around.

"Small! It must be that spy! The last trick she used!"

"Don't let her run! Be careful, she will cut the branches again!"


Jing Huan screamed: "All standing in the same place, dare to run around, kill innocent!"

At the same time that Jing Huan was angry, he used the spirit of pressure, which controlled the scene.

Jing Huan came over and glanced at it and found that the surrounding seas had become original, and no aliens were found.

The big squid was already shaking and shivering at this time, and waited for Jing Huan’s inquiry, he trembled and said:

"The city owner is the fault of the villain! I just didn't know what was stinging the villain's ink sac. The villain spurted the ink when it was not controlled.

The villain is really not intentional. When our squid family is in danger, the subconscious will spray ink, which cannot be controlled at all!

The villain sinned and died, and asked the city owner to forgive! ”

Jing Huan looked cold and cold, looked down at the big squid's ink sac, and did not see any wounds.

Jing Huan looked at the surrounding Haizu again and asked, "Have you ever discovered any abnormalities?"

The sea people looked at each other and were busy changing. Who had the time to observe a big squid? !

Besides, I did not see anyone attacking the big squid.

Jing Huan's brow is tight, is it really just an accident?

Or is it that the big squid is the accomplice of the female thief, deliberately getting this to attract his attention so that the female thief can escape?

However, the sea people here have become the original form, and did not see the emergence of aliens, is the female thief actually a sea?

(End of this chapter)

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