Chapter 7673 I know

The dog's tail grass did not notice this. It respectfully took the silver snake back into the pocket, and then rushed to the direction of Lingcheng.

What the dog tail grass and the silver snake don't know is that, in fact, the cloud is clear about what happened outside the world, but there is no way to control his body.

This situation is not quite the same as being taken over by the cloud, and it seems that he has been split into two parts.

This part of the mind is enclosed in a corner of the gods, there is no way to control the whole god, there is no way to control his body, and there is no way to communicate with the dog's tail grass.

She tried to break through the invisible barrier, but it was in vain.

If other people encounter this kind of situation, I am afraid that they will be scared to death. Fortunately, before the beginning of the cloud, they were stalked by the dog's tail. For this situation, it is somewhat immune.

She even saw the scene of a certain war-torn sea, and enjoyed the scenery with ease, and felt that she had suffered such a thing, it seems quite cost-effective.

Of course, this cargo is also very anxious, and constantly calculating the way to get out of trouble.

On the other hand, the dog's tail grass has not yet arrived in the mausoleum, and he has come across the gold guardian and others who have come to investigate the situation.

This goods immediately gave the body control to the beginning of the cloud, and retired.

"Trusting the girl! It is a cherished girl! She really did not die!" Jin Hufa yelled and ran over.

The stone elders and the ancestral hall owners were also very pleasantly surprised, but when they saw the situation of the clouds, the faces of the two men showed anxiety.

At this time, Jin Huo Law also found that something was wrong. After the diagnosis, he wondered: "Her body has no damage, how can this be?"

The main hallwife frowned: "It seems that the gods are damaged, and the injury is not light.

If you have a remedy for your treatment, you can give her the next one and see if it can be alleviated. ”

Jin Hufa heard the news and quickly took out a medicinal herb and fed it to Yunchu.

However, it does not seem to have any effect.

Jin Hufa thought, perhaps because of the lack of dose, and fed a few to the cloud, and the results still have no effect.

"This is not the case, we will first go back to Lingcheng, let her take a good rest, and then find a way." Stone elder said.

There is no other way to protect the Golden Law. I have to carry the cloud back to my body and return to Lingcheng.

Arranged the female disciple to help the cloud to change the clean clothes, and fed a grain of Dan and a little water.

In the process of changing clothes, it is inevitable to find the silver snake inside the dark pocket of the clothes.

When it was the spiritual pet of the early days of the cloud, it did not care. People also sewed a dark bag on the new clothes and put the silver snake inside.

Out of the physical instinct, the cloud first fell asleep.

"Before in the passive sea, she is not afraid of the gods and pressures. Obviously, the gods are very powerful. How can they be so hurt?" said the elder stone.

His voice just fell, and some people came in and reported: "Golden protection, stone elders, ancestors, the water level of the passive sea began to decline again, and the speed is faster than before.

Cangbei City has been completely exposed, and it is estimated that Cangnan City will soon see the sky again. ”

The three people were shocked and happy in their hearts, and they confirmed it. This only sent the people who reported it.

Jin Huo Law suddenly rounded his eyes and said:

"I know! She became like this, and it must have been attacked by God when she cut off the roots."

After she cut off the roots for the first time, people sent us a message.

Then, in order to save more of the city, regardless of safety, the roots are cut off again, so the water level will continue to decline. ”

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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