Chapter 7689 is rooted in madness

Shen Tong’s blushing neck was rough and tried several times, and he could not collect the source branches into his storage ring.

Blackheart September 1st!

Sample, want to cut off Hu? no way!

The black heart is stunned by the opportunity of the vortex to fall again. God knows how to succeed and collects more than one hundred long branches of the vines into the storage ring.

The Shen Tong collar is incomprehensible and annoying, and people are surrounded by a group of whirlpools. Obviously, they are prepared to stay in the clouds and never die.

At this time, Black Heart 9 is also pondering the way to escape.

Although the three-eye kill is very useful, but when I was killed by the deputy, the knowledge of God was very uncomfortable. If it was reused, it might become a small fool, so it is not necessary to do so.

The chili noodles are useless in the water, and these sea people have suffered from losses before, and now they have eaten a long wise, knowing that it is useless to defend with bubbles, and it is useless.

Also, this Shen Tong was very clever, and even the female guards in the team were rushed to the distant defense, she will be recognized no matter how changed.

Before the little white face opened her barriers, the cold poison was aggravated again, or she didn't mind that he came out and killed them.

When the beginning of the cloud was frowning, the source of the vine suddenly soared, and then rushed toward her whereabouts like crazy.

The black heart was shocked. She was in the whirlpool and could not escape. She had to activate the defensive elements that Emperor Xuan Zang gave her.

Even put the totem armor on, as for the stuffing without filling, now can not care so much, to keep a small life.

After thinking about it, I put the big iron pot on my head.

The voices of the screaming voices came one after another, and it was estimated that those defensive elements were all finished!

Finally, there was a bang from the big iron pot. She was pulled out of the whirlpool like a broken kite and fell into the distant sea.

She only felt that the internal organs had to be shattered. She didn't have time to think about it. She took off the big iron pot and put in the storage ring, and went forward desperately.

The back of the source is still skyrocketing, desperately whipping up.

Those sea people are considered to be bloody!

The native branches obviously don't care about their lives. They didn't avoid them while they were smashing the clouds, so many of the sea people were ruined and killed.

Black Heart Nine naturally did not have time to pay attention to those sea people, she only wants to hurry to swim, get rid of the original source of chasing her.

This is the heart of the belly, this source of vines is crazy or refined?

Doesn't it mean that the fracture will wither? How is this still violent?

She swam for a while, her brow wrinkled, and if she ran forward again, the pressure of the original branches would re-cover the front area, and they would not be able to get out of it.

This product bites his teeth and begins to wrap around the source.

This goods can not help but ridicule, in fact, Yunxiao said right, her mouth is very powerful, in fact, it is still soft.

What are the reasons for her life and death? !

She is not the real emperor!

However, sometimes it is so strange, she feels that she is a black lotus, and the result is still white inside!

This goods self-deprecating, but the speed has not slowed down, fighting hard to sneak up and avoid the attack of the source.

She had already tossed for a while, and Linhai City had entered and exited twice, and her physical strength gradually began to fail.

Black heart nine sinks in the heart, is it really necessary to go nowhere?

(End of this chapter)

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