Chapter 7704 genius is always lonely

When the big iron pot heard the words of the cloud, it was anxious.

It is also aggrieved!

It is not unwilling to contribute, mainly because it does not have the ability to resist the attack of the source.

Previously, although it resisted the original vines of the second district, the original vines there were much more than the original branches here!

However, it still has no way to establish a relationship with the cloud and not express it.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the cloud, I was clever, and even the tape was guessed to understand the meaning of the big iron pot.

She frowned, and the worry of the big iron pot was really unreasonable.

Hearing the brackets, it is terrible when the source is violent, and the big iron pot may not be able to survive!

If it is too bright mirror to wake up now, she can go in with a big iron pot and come out again, come in and share the pressure of the big iron pot.

It is a pity that she used the knowledge of God to sweep through Dantian, and she saw that the image of Taixu was dead, and there was no reaction.

At the beginning of the cloud, he pondered for a while and hit his mind on the big man.

So she put the big **** out and said with a smile:

"Oh, when you drilled down from the sand, wait until the front end of the source branch, and you will drill it out."

The big cockroach has to be blown up!

Those sea people are hiding in the Red Elephant City and dare not go out. Obviously, when the source is violent, it is terrible. Does this stinky head make it close to the source branches? This is gonna die it!

Sure enough, in the heart of the skunk, it is a victim.

Poseidon, where are you? Do you know that your embarrassment is suffering? !

Although Daxie really wants to swear at the beginning of the cloud, but because of the painful lessons of the past, try to make his tone calmer:

"I don't go, I can't stand the pressure of the time when the source is raging, you still want another way!"

"It's okay, when you dive deeper, I will give you a few layers of bubbles wrapped around the shells, sure to block the gods of the source."

Don't worry, I don't use you. The confusing beads that I have seized before are divided into half. ”

After the beginning of the cloud, he took out a large bag of confusing beads and shook it at the big bang.

I looked at those confused beads and felt a little heart!

Moreover, it is a matter of pondering that there should be no big deal with bubble wraps. Besides, according to countless blood and tear lessons, it is rejected, and it is useless.

So, reluctantly said: "Well, then I will try it! However, you must first give me the beads."

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled and agreed to give the bag to the big man.

It’s stupid to let the windy dog ​​tail pout in the heart!

When it was last time to save Xinwu, the little girl with black heart and liver promised that the future trophy would be divided into half. As a result, it gave it a little benefit, and it sold it again.

At the moment, the foxtail can't help but feel the feeling that everyone is drunk and I am sober. No way, genius is always lonely!

After the cloud was settled, she thought of a problem, that is, she had to slip out of Red Elephant City in advance.

Otherwise, when the Red Elephant City is closed, she can't leave, and there is no way to keep the "single" vest.

Just, what excuse to find?

She used to say that she was an orphan, and this excuse is really not easy to find.

Moreover, she is now a guard, and if she is not enough, she is not allowed to leave the team.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t think of any good ideas. Fortunately, there are still a few days, but it’s not so urgent.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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