Chapter 7707 Screening

The scene displayed in the screening mirror is the scene around the source of the vine, although it is not particularly clear, but it is sufficient to explore the situation.

The singer led the sigh: "The city owner, this mirror is really amazing! Not only can we check the original shape of our sea, but it can also be used to explore the situation of the source."

"After all, this screening mirror is based on the source of the vines, it is not surprising that this effect can be used.

It is a pity that the number of screening mirrors is limited, otherwise the previous one and the second district will not be hit hard. "Sighed at the peak."

Ba said that he said: "The screening mirror is on the one hand, mainly because they have no such great talents as the city owner."

To Feng Feng a few words, the heart said that although the octopus family's young family is not in tune, but the speech is listening.

Originally, Ba Kuai was not eligible to appear here, but this shop has to spend money!

I took out a baby and gave it to Xiangfeng, which was mixed in.

The expression of the people is not too nervous, and even a little excited, because the source of the violent tyrannical means that they officially launched the offensive from the three locations.

As long as there is a source of vines, they just need to wait for the ready-made ones.

The people of Qiankun and Lulu are more than one waste. Once they reach the sea of ​​God, they can only be slaughtered.

At this time, Ba said with a smile: "To the city owner, do you say that little girl will appear?"

Xiangfeng has not said anything yet, the savage leader on the side said:

"We didn't attack before we left the three-zone, and we are thousands of miles away from the shore. It is impossible for us to touch here.

To take a step back, she even came, but unfortunately caught up with the source of the tyrannical, that is to die! ”

Others also echoed: "Yes, she is not cheap if she doesn't come. It is her own death."

"Don't say that catching up with the roots of the source is the usual, the deployment of our city owners is enough to kill her."

"That is, our city owners are wise and wise, but not those in the two locations."


Ba Kuo did not take a nap, although he had not seen the little girl, but the person who can cut off the roots of the source will not have the ability? !

He hoped that the little girl could appear, and he would have long experience.

It is a pity that this screening mirror is only the mirror attached to the mirror in the palace. The mirror is too small, and it is not particularly clear.

At this time, the savage leader said: "Look! The source is moving! The tyrant begins!"

All the eyes of the people gathered on the mirror. I saw that the roots of the vines were slamming the surrounding sea water. The sand below was mixed into the sea and it was cloudy.

At the same time, the native branches are also spreading rapidly.

Many of them were the first to see this situation, and their faces were full of shocking colors.

At first, everyone was full of surprises, and the eyes were staring at the mirror of the mirror, but as time went by, the interest of everyone was not too big.

After all, the picture is basically repeated, looking at some numbness.

"It seems that the little girl will not appear! But also, the pressure around the source of the vines skyrocketed, she did not dare to come close," said the savage leader.

Others have the same idea, only the heart is not dying, and the eyes are still staring at the mirror.

Just then, he rounded his eyes, what? How did he see the turbid sea water inside... like a **** pot?

The fifth is more.

(End of this chapter)

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