Chapter 7723 does not care about this life.

Ba Kuo also heard the arguments of those people, which lowered the voice and said:

"I heard that Shan Huang and the Mu family have always been disharmonious, and certainly not willing to marry that Mu Tianqing, hey, there is a good show!"

The voice of Ba Kuo just fell, the single head of the stage and other people have begun to placard, others are green cards, only Shan Huang raised a red card.

The other candidates came to power in turn, and Shan Huang was the same as the first round. All the outstanding performances were all red cards. Instead, those who sang and sang and danced were given green cards.

The beginning of the cloud can be determined, this single is to clarify the desire to sing against the single family.

Perhaps, he didn't want to do anything at all.

After the second round, there were only 30 people left in the promotion.

The Deacons announced the third round of screening projects, and each candidate needs to answer a question.

As for the question, it is necessary to draw lots.

Mu Tianqing was still the first to take the stage, and she took a question from the deacon.

The big manager took over the question and read: "Why do you want to be the wife of the young patriarch?"

Mu Tianqing is obviously ready for the first time. She first praised Shanhuang’s 316 degrees without a dead end and expressed her love.

Then he said that he wanted to contribute to the development of the sea urchin family. In the end, he looked forward to a beautiful future and painted a big cake for the people who eat melon.

Mu Tianqing's answer not only let the people in the audience eat the thunder of the people, but also let the single head and other people nod their heads frequently, and raised the green card, I think she is indeed a good candidate for the lady of the young chief.

Only a single ironic smile appeared in the corner of the single, and raised a red card.

Mu Tianqing looked slightly sorrowful and looked at Shan Huang. After the ceremony, she went down to the high platform.

The candidates who went up later, although several people answered well, but Zhu Yu, who has Mu Tianqing, is not so prominent.

After three rounds, there are only five people left, and naturally there is Mu Tianqing.

The wife of the patriarch, Mu, smiled and said to the head of the single family: "The five girls who are left are all good in appearance, so let Huanger pick one from the inside!"

After hearing the words of Mu, the single patriarch said to Shan Huang: "Have you heard what your mother said? You choose a favorite girl!"

Shanhuang heard the words, looked at the five girls, and hooked the corner: "I want to ask you a question, if anyone answers me to satisfy me, I will choose who."

Including Mu Tianqing, all five girls looked at Shan Huang, the look of the face.

"If I am dead, will you remarriage?" Shan Huang said lightly.

No one thought that Shan Huang had raised such a question, but under the circumstance, it felt reasonable.

Estimated, he wants to see who is genuine and who is hypocritical.

One of the girls, Yan Qinglian, said first:

"Small patriarchs, since Yan Qinglian married you, it is impossible to marry another person in this life. If you are really unfortunate, I will not remarriage for life."

The other three saw it, and they were too busy to say that they would not remarriage.

After Mu Tianqing waited until they all finished speaking, this was a firm expression:

"Small patriarchs, I believe that you will recover. If you are really dead, I am not willing to live alone. I will always be with you."

Mu Tianqing’s words suddenly made the melons and people in the audience boil!

Many of them are moved by tears, and the girl must be deeply affectionate to the young patriarchs. How else would they say such a touching voice? !

Life can get such a confidante, it really does not mean this life!

(End of this chapter)

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