Chapter 7725, will you be willing to marry me?

The elders frowned. "You don't want to marry other people, but don't forget, only the girl who was born in the cloudy and cloudy days."

Unless you can find a qualified girl before the evening, you can only get a good night. ”

Shan Huang nodded his teeth and then stood up hard.

Seeing him stand up, the original noisy crowd instantly quieted down.

Shan Huang’s eyes calmly looked at the crowd and pulled out a touch of some desolation smile:

"I don't know if there is a girl born in Yinyin Yinyin and Yinyin in the Yinyin period? If you are willing to marry me, I can give you a wife's book. After I die, you can remarriage at any time.

In addition, I will give you a generous gift, enough to ensure that you are safe. ”

When Mu Tianqing heard the words of Shan Huang, his face was distorted!

However, after seeing the eyes of Mu’s warning, I immediately recovered the appearance of warmth and generosity.

Also, she does not need to do this at all. If there are qualified people in the audience, they have already signed up and will not wait until now.

Therefore, the position of the lady of the young patriarch must be hers!

Sure enough, despite the numerous discussions among the audience, no one responded.

Ba Kuai’s smile said to the beginning of the cloud:

"Long sister, or you go up!

I estimate that only you meet the conditions, I look at that single Huang is not like a short-lived, you marry him is still very good! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I was blinded, but the words of Ba Shou were still heard.

Someone immediately shouted: "Small patriarchs, there is a girl born in the Yinyin Yinyin and Yinyin!"

Many people who watched the excitement were not arguing, and they deliberately gave up the area around the clouds and the surrounding areas. The two people suddenly became very conspicuous.

At the beginning of the cloud, I can’t cut the eight hands of Ba Jian!

She knew that his broken mouth would get into trouble sooner or later!

Ba has shrunk his neck, and he said: "If you don't like it, you can't refuse it! This kind of thing can't be bought and sold!"

At the beginning of the cloud, she said that if she is really a sea, it doesn't matter, mainly because she doesn't want to attract attention. !

Thinking of this, she said to the people who are squatting around:

"My brother, his brain is not good, and he said indiscriminately, I am not born at all when the Yinyin is cloudy and cloudy."

Ba Kuai saw him at the beginning of the cloud and quickly said: "Yeah, I am joking! My sister is not qualified at all."

At this time, behind the guards came over and said to Yunchu: "This girl, please also step on the stage and our young patriarchs."

At the beginning of the cloud, she hated to die, but at the time she was in the sea urchins, she did not dare to come. She had to follow the guards and boarded the high platform.

Shan Huang saw the brow and frowned: "Bao? How did you come to our Danshou City?"

Although the two were unfamiliar, they had seen it before, so Shan Huang recognized him at once.

Ba Kui laughed twice: "Is this not to hear that you are ill? So come visit you."

Shan Huang naturally does not believe his ghost words, his eyes fell on the cloud:

"This girl, you were born in the Yinyin yin and the yin and yin? I wonder if I will marry me?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I was like a dog!

Although this single Huang looks very good, but she already has a small white face, but I don't want to provoke any rotten peach.

Besides, it’s not a good boy to look at that Mu, this single Huang is counted as this kind of thing, and it’s no different to marry him and find death.

(End of this chapter)

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