Chapter 7740 Conscience is back

At the beginning of the cloud, he naturally didn't believe in the ghosts. He went to the Imperial City for sure not for inspiration. He should be collecting information.

She also wants to follow, but when she thinks that there is a thousand eyes in the Imperial City, she suddenly dismissed her thoughts.

Ba Shu and another sighed for a while, then he left.

When the dog was gone, the dog's tail grass began to sell more than the heart, apparently staring at the herb that was previously given to the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes: "Dog tail, do you want to eat that herb?"

The dog's tail grass keeps shaking the leaves, indicating that I really want to eat.

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled and said: "You can eat it, but you have to disguise me as a sea snake."

The dog's tail is so angry that the leaves are all rolled up!

They all told her that she couldn't do it, but she still didn't give up? !

Is there such a basic trust between people and grass? !

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the dog's tail grass, and finally I completely died.

It seems that the dog tail grass did not lie to her before, this road is blocked.

When the beginning of the cloud was in trouble, the maid came in and reported: "Miss, the owner asked you to go to his study."

At the beginning of the cloud, I went to the study room of the single-family, and I thought I was in the wrong place.

Because the study is full of things, there are boxes and even boxes.

At the beginning of the cloud, the elders of the single family smiled like a flower:

"Long, these are the meeting rituals that you have prepared for you. Do you like it or not? If you don't like it, I will give you a copy."

To tell the truth, at this moment, the conscience of Black Heart Nine is a little painful.

The single patriarch is really good for her fake prostitute!

So good that even her conscience leaving home is back.

The single patriarch naturally does not know what she thinks in her heart. The same as the sacred treasure, she introduces the same to the cloud, and has something to eat, to wear, to play, to be useful, and to have everything.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t want to endure it. But when I saw the eager eyes of the single family, I had to accept it.

"Hey, you are so kind to me! Do you have any wishes? Maybe I can help you achieve it!" said the black heart.

The single family can't help but laugh: "The biggest wish is that you are happy, as long as you are happy, you will be happy!"

"Besides this? Hey, what other wishes do you have?"

"Other wishes? That is, our sea urchins can grow stronger.

As you know, our sea urchins now belong to the middle and lower powers. They dream that our sea urchins can succumb to their power.

However, I also know that this is too difficult!

Perhaps after several generations of efforts can be achieved, anyway, I can't see it in my lifetime. "The head of the single family said a little embarrassed.

At the beginning of the cloud, Ba Baba’s eyes: "Hey, are you saying that you want to be a superior force like Shajia and Jingjia?"

The single patriarch was amused by her!

"Stupid niece! Shajia and Jingjia are the super-powers that crush the superior forces, so what can we expect?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes slid and turned: "That is not necessarily. I think that the sea urchins still have great potential. Maybe they will replace Shajia and Jingjia one day."

When she is happy, she never thought that the beginning of the cloud is serious.

The goods have now inflated, and I am thinking that she will conquer the seas sooner or later, and then let the sea urchins take care of the sea for her.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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