Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7786: It’s wrong to lie (question for a monthly pass)

Chapter 7866 is not right to lie (seeking a monthly pass)

Those instructors can't help but can't help but, since they have received the sealing fee, it's hard to say anything.

I can't really let the stone strongly recognize the three little guys as ancestors.

What makes them even more curious at this time is how the three messy crowbars did it?

Finally, three days have arrived.

The remaining candidates are all transmitted.

Shili vigorously saw Lunren at a glance and was busy pulling him to the side and asked:

"Kid, I ask you, what do you say to them? How do you suddenly start to eliminate those who are waiting?"

When Qianren’s heart is tight, is it because he found him cheating?

No, I can't admit that I am getting news from them.

So, he straightened his waist and said: "I feel that the original intention of the Royal Military Academy was to deal with the people of the two places, so we must have a fighting spirit.

Although I was told by the Dean that I only had to deal with the sea beast, but I had no difficulty, I had to create difficulties for myself, so I began to eliminate others. ”

Shi Qiang’s face is so aggressive that this kind of person can still say such a level of words? Is this suddenly opened?

However, when he saw his eyes blinking, he felt that there must be an inside story, and he tried to test:

"Oh? Is that the case? How do I feel that it is what they said to you?"

Huanren quickly denied: "There is nothing! We have encountered it before, but it is only a few words, and nothing else."

The stone is very good, and it is also a person who has seen the big scene. At first glance, I know that Huanren did not tell the truth.

He snorted: "You may not know? The reason why the dean is to let the three of them enter the Firefly Forest is to eliminate the candidates, and they must eliminate two thousand candidates to enter the second round.

You are being used by them! Hurry to tell the truth, what is going on? ”

Huanren’s heart is funny. Does this stone instructor think that he is a three-year-old child? ! Even programmed such a lie to lie to him!

In any case, the three of them will not be able to eliminate 2,000 people. How can the dean return to such a problem? !

Besides, if Ba Zhi is deceiving him, then why does Niu Duozhi and Sha Jia and Jing Jia spare no effort to eliminate the candidates?

This stone tutor is broken!

Definitely it is in the routine!

So, he was right: "The stone instructor, please also pay attention to your words and deeds, it is wrong to lie as a mentor!"

Shili vigorously: "..."

Stone is almost out of breath!

This kind of cousin is really a dog, a person!

Other instructors also asked about Niu Duozhi, Shajia and Jingjia.

The people of Niu Duozhi and Shajia naturally would not admit to cheating, so they did not admit that they had received any news.

The people in the well family really don’t know anything, and naturally can’t ask anything.

Blackheart and nine people laughed and watched the excitement on the side, and Ba Kui was even more interested in the black heart.

I was still worried about being retaliated. It seems that it is not necessary now.

These fools, I am afraid that they will be sold, they have to help count the money!

When the three people were enjoying the joy, they heard that the dean had coughed twice.

Immediately, everyone was quiet.

The dean's smile was amiable and amiable: "Bai Zhu, Shan Huang, and a single yo you three come on stage."

The three people suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, the dean said with a look of appreciation:

"The three of you did a good job. I didn't expect to actually complete the task of eliminating two thousand people.

I heard that I have also fooled the sea dog family, the manatee family, and the Shajia and Jing family. There is a future! I am optimistic about you! ”

Tomorrow will continue at noon, rolling out to sell Mengqiu monthly ticket, what?

(End of this chapter)

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