Chapter 7795 Hot Potatoes

When I heard the words of Huanren at the beginning of the cloud, I almost spurted out a blood.

Is this coix seed a pig head? ! Didn't you hear that she was jealous of him?

Even more difficult, she found that the beads under the blanket seemed to be more and more, she must be arched!

The old king, will not put all three hundred beads under her blanket, right?

When she was thinking about it, she heard a shouting exclaimed: "Beads! This, this is not the bead that the dean said?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, my head slammed!

I saw a bead in the hand of the barley. It should be because there were too many beads under the blanket, so it was squeezed out.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t smack the mouth of my son. The voice of Hao Ren’s voice was too big, and almost everyone heard it.

In the blink of an eye, a group of people flocked to the middle of the cloud and the lying clouds.

At this time, Huanren also found out that he had done a stupid thing!

He hates not to slap himself, and it’s not enough to hide the beads directly. What are you calling? ! Isn't this a lack of heart? !

At this point, everyone's eyes fell on the bead in the hands of the man.

The atmosphere is suddenly tense!

If it weren’t for the taboo Prince Lan Yuan here, I’m afraid everyone will be on the table.

Just then, another bead was squeezed out from under the blanket.

At the beginning of the cloud, you can’t hold it anyway, so give this hot potato to others!

So, the shopper quickly smashed the bead, and by the way grabbed the beads in his hand.

Then, open the blanket.

I saw a few black beads scattered around.

The crowd made an exclamation, and the eyes were full of greed and longing.

These are not ordinary beads, this is the evidence to enter the Royal Military Court!

Fortunately, the Prince Lan Yuanhan stood at the forefront, and everyone was jealous, otherwise the scene would have lost control.

At the beginning of the cloud, the Lantern said to the Lanyuan Han: "His Royal Highness, I am guilty of sin, I am not capable of handling these beads.

I left three, and the rest of the beads are all assigned to you! ”

Lan Yuan Han certainly understands the meaning of the beginning of the cloud, she wants to exchange his shelter with the remaining beads.

Lan Yuanhan almost did not hesitate, then nodded and agreed.

In the morning and evening, he will be in the position of Shanghai Emperor. These peers will become his arms in the future. It is always a good thing to invest in advance.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the blue yuan cold nodded, and picked up a bead and retreated to the side.

Ba Kui and Shan Huang’s face are beautiful, and they will definitely enter the Royal Military Academy.

Huanren is a sad sorrow, but he thinks that Lan Yuan Han should at least give him a bead. After all, their sea dog family is a superior force.

Everyone looked at Lan Yuanhan and didn't know how he was going to distribute the beads.

Lan Yuanhan first counted the number of beads, except for the three that were taken away by the cloud, and there were still two hundred. It is estimated that the ninety-seven should be scattered elsewhere.

He indulged for a moment and said: "The royal family plus I have a total of seventy people, one of us each.

The sea sharks and sea whales give you 50 places. The sea dog, the manatee, and the dolphin family give you ten places. As for how to distribute your own look.

I am so divided, can you disagree? ”

Even if you are not satisfied, no one dares to say anything.

What's more, this is also fair, especially for the sea dog, the manatee and the dolphin, if they really rely on snatching, they may not be able to grab ten beads.

(End of this chapter)

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