Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 7803: Nothing to look forward to

Chapter 7803 has nothing to look forward to

When half an hour is about to arrive, there are still ten students who have not joined the class, and the other five classes are full.

They had to bite the back molars and pay the retention fee because there was no other choice.

If you do not join the sixth class, you can only be delisted.

Hanren counted his fingers and counted it. Hey, the squad leader made a thousand confusing beads for a while!


Is it too easy to make money?

He decided! I will follow the squad leader later!

The squad leader eats meat and lets him drink some soup.

At this time, the six classes, the first five are surrounded by their respective squad leaders, and they are together.

There are only six classes, three groups, two teams, and it is simply a loose sand.

As for their squad leader, they don’t even want to look at it because they are suffering from meat.

At this time, the dean returned coughing twice.

The crowd immediately calmed down and looked up at the high platform.

The dean said with a beard: "I added that the squad leader is not fixed. After the monthly assessment, the people in the class can re-elect the squad leader by voting. It can be the original squad leader or the class. anyone."

When the dean's words were exported, other classes did not respond. Only the six classes of people, who were originally one by one, were now arrogant.

Even if you use the heel to think about the intentions of your heart, you can only think about it.

Oh, I want to be beautiful!

The dean continued to say: "On the day of the establishment of the class, your destiny is tied together. I hope that you know what it means to be a glory.

Now, the six squad leaders are on the stage. When you come to the stage, what kind of dormitory your classmates can live in depends on you. ”

The six classes of people are discouraged when they hear it!

It seems that the six squad leaders should be on the stage to try and then choose the dormitory according to the ranking.

Their squad leader is a small weak chicken, definitely in the last place.

When they are finished, they have to live in the most broken dormitory.

Their lives are too bitter!

Not only do you have to pay the accommodation fee, but you also have to live in the most broken dormitory. !

At this time, Lan Yuanhan and others have already boarded the high platform.

The eyes of the dean were swept over them, and they stayed for a moment in the clouds.

Blackheart Nine is now grateful that the single patriarch once smashed her hood, because she knows that her hood is fake, so she is not worried about what the director can see.

After the dean looked at them, he said: "You six people release the temptation to compete, according to the length of time, the high priority of the dormitory."

The six classes of people showed such a look, so it was good, and there was no expectation anyway, so there was no disappointment.

The dean said that six people can start.

Of course, the six people are not really fighting, but each release a bubble, six bubbles together and collide each other, the last is the winner.

Lan Yuanhan and others each released a bubble, and Black Heart Nine also released a bubble.

Then everyone found out that the bubble that was released from the beginning of the cloud, how to see how... wretched.

The other five bubbles are colliding, and the bubble is hiding from Tibet and not giving other bubbles a chance to hit it.

What puzzles everyone is that the other five bubbles have been colliding and colliding, and no one has taken care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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