Chapter 7808 is really naive.

In the beginning of the cloud, the inside and outside of the cloud turned around, and there was no abnormality. This returned to the bedroom.

She first checked the silver snake, and saw that it was still slumbering. She directly stuffed a grain into her mouth and put it into the pocket.

Then, sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, he planned to plan for the next step.

Although I didn't want to enter the Royal Military Academy, but since they have already come in, then it is safe to come!

Other things are easy to say, the most important thing is that you can't drop the vest. In the future, it is best to leave the dean of the dean.

Anyway, only half a year, I will soon be able to leave this ghost place.

In addition, she is also worried about the fact that the single-headed woman is good, that is, the sea snake woman must not come out. If she comes out, she will wear it directly.

However, there is no need to worry about it. After all, it was after the bloodshed to recognize the relatives. Lai also had to rely on the head of the single family.

When she was thinking about it, the voice of Huanren came from outside the courtyard door: "Squad leader, squad leader, let's see you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth and came to see her? Estimated to pay for it!

Thinking of this, she thought of cheating on her son and Niu Duozhi before she thought of it. It seems that looking for an opportunity has to mention the fundraising with the old king.

Yunchu started to get inside the yard and opened the courtyard door.

The single-faced three men were all beaming, and not only did they enter the Royal Military Academy, but they also got a good dormitory, which was a good mood.

Ba Ba and Huan Ren both blew a rainbow fart, and then Huanren smashed his hand: "Squad leader, did you not say that the retention fee also has our share? Is it now..."

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at him and said, "I will give you eight thousand pieces of confusing beads. How about?"

Auntie Yan: "Ah? The squad leader, this, how is this so good?! I will be two thousand!"

On the other side, Ba Biao replaced the big candle in the sky!

This stupid still wants to save money from the single long hand? It’s naive!

He has already seen it through, and this single yo-yo is a sly, only can not enter, but also must report, so do not offend her.

At this time, Yunchu said: "Yu Ren, I can give you two thousand confusing beads, but the ugly words are ahead.

If I give you the confusing beads, let's clear them!

In the future, don't go to me, because I can't see you like this quick success!

You see, why didn't people ask me for money? !

The gap between people and people is really too big! ”

The arrogance of Huanren’s face, he can’t understand it?

So he asked Ba: "What do you think? Why don't you want money?"

Ba Ba natural will not tell the truth, he coughed two times and said:

"You don't know this, can our brain compare with the long sister?!

Putting money here is dead money, but it is a living money in the long sister, and you can make money!

Therefore, it is better to let the younger sisters keep it in a safe place. Anyway, we don't need it now.

Besides, we are all living relationships, is it clear that it is not hurting feelings? !

Huanren, I have to persuade you that people’s eyes should be long-term. Don’t say that you don’t say that you don’t give me money, even if you don’t really give it to you, what can you do? !

Can be with the long sister, that is our biggest blessing!

You think about it, if you are not a long sister, can you have such a good dormitory? Can you be as beautiful as today? !

Do not say anything else, in our six classes, you are the fourth man!

Who sees you, can't you call a brother? !

So, don't always think about dividing money, think about how to make more money for the girl! ”

(End of this chapter)

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