Chapter 7825 is going out

The beginning of the cloud began to look at the washbasin:

"Little babies..."

Everyone’s eyes twitched. What kind of ghost is this? !

At the beginning of the cloud, they ignored them and continued:

"Little darlings, your mother, um, maybe it’s a nightmare!"

Everyone: "..."

Can this single traveler do it? How do you feel so unreliable?

Isn’t it so counterproductive for her to be so arrogant?

The dean also felt that the black heart is not reliable, but there is no other way, only let her try.

Black Heart 9 continues:

"If it has been immersed in a nightmare, it will inevitably go mad. It is a small matter for us to be stumbled, mainly because it will also be hurt.

You don't want to see such a human tragedy, right?

So, I will give you a good idea.

You and it said that the day of the game to dig pits, it is not only shameful and very glorious!

The little girl who cut the roots of the vines got out of the way with the golden scorpion, but it just shows that she is afraid of the roots.

Since then, has she not appeared again? It must have been frightened by the source, so I didn't dare to come again.

Besides, whether it is a person or another creature, what is the most important thing?

It is integrity!

The little girl turned his back on the righteousness, and it made people feel guilty. It was a coward who was afraid of death!

However, the performance of the original source is a model for keeping promises!

What if I let the little girl escape? In her life, no, eight lives can't be compared with the original branch, she is a villain who is betrayal..."

At the beginning of the cloud, I had a good meal. The central idea was to shoot the rainbow fart to the original branch and smash it... myself.

After the goods felt almost the same, this put the confusing leaves.

As for the unsuccessful, to be honest, her heart is not very bottom.

After a while, the situation has not improved, but turned to urgency, and the ground trembles more and more.

Sinking immediately sneered: "President, maybe the source of the vines is not a nightmare, but angered the single and long, and only kill them to calm the anger of the source.

Can't you always be tired of both of us?

Others are all over, and His Royal Highness is still here. He can’t do anything. ”

Sinking is also going out!

Originally, he only wanted to target Shanhuang and Yunchu, and did not want to offend.

Nai Ba Ba has been mixed with a single brother and sister, and this time things are not easy to say if the Octopus patriarch knows.

Can it really be because his son, regardless of the Prince and so many people's lives? !

Ba Zhuqi has to pump straight: "Put your Luo circle fart! The Dean just said, the source of the vines can not hear what we say, how can it anger our two?!

You are clearly a public feud!

Dean, how wise, will you listen to your rumors? ! You will die this heart! ”

The dean of the hospital was like a water, and did not speak.

He is naturally reluctant to sacrifice his own students, but if things are really irreparable, then he can only kill the two and the two.

Although he does not think that Shen Yu said it is true, but even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will try.

After all, he is the dean.

Sacrificing a minority to save most people is a choice he must make.

Ba Kuai’s return to the dean did not say anything, and my heart sank, and it was over!

Lao Wangba, this is to sacrifice him and single yo!

(End of this chapter)

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