Chapter 7835 Soft Persimmon

At the beginning of the cloud, when I heard Shi Li’s words, there were 10,000 heads and beasts in my heart.

This stone is vigorously directed against her!

This one of the two is when she is a soft persimmon? Anyone wants to pick it up, isn't it?

If she is not afraid of the vest, she has long been unafraid.

She squinted her eyes: "Bago, go up! You have eight arms, so that more students can see it up close, and you can compare the severity of the sword."

Ba: "..."

What did he do wrong? Why is he always injured every time he is injured? !

Is it because he has eight hands? !

When he was roaring in his heart, Yunchu continued to say: "Bago, remember our slogan, don't give up, don't give up!

Go up, everyone is waiting for you! ”

The gas was almost spurted out!

Although the stone on the podium is the most annoying thing, it is the beginning of the cloud, but Ba Ku is also his "enemy", so the skin smiles and says:

"It’s justified to say that you are alone. Bae, you come up and put your eight arms out. I will give you a good demonstration of the severity of the sword."

Ba Zhu is simply mad!

But still dragging the heavy footsteps slowly onto the podium.

There was a look of sorrow and anger on his face, and he saw that the black heart and the nine conscience had such a pain.

She held out her paws and said something to say.

Stone gave her a strong look and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Stone instructor, showing the wound caused by Jianqi does not have to use a living person?

I am not distressed, mainly because I am afraid that this matter will be spread out and it will be detrimental to your reputation. "The cloud said at first glance."

Stone vigorously screamed: "I am teaching needs, what can others say?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "This may not be the case! If the other five classes of instructors are the same as your teaching methods, then there is nothing.

If it is not the same, I am afraid that some people who do not know the truth will think that you deliberately maimed the students. Who will dare to take your class in the future!

Doesn't that harm you? !

Ba Ba, hurry down!

Do you want to be a stone instructor in unrighteousness? ! ”

When he heard the words, he jumped off the podium, which was many times faster than when he went up.

Shi Dali just wants to get angry, and Yunchu said: "The stone instructor, you have rich teaching experience, you can definitely come up with other alternatives, right?

If you can't think of it, I can go out and ask you to ask other classes of instructors, I believe they will definitely give it. ”

Shili sees the beginning of the cloud and seems to really want to go out, then anxious!

If you let the instructors of other classes know about it, you should not ridicule his communiques, and you can't let this thing go out.

He said with no anger: "Okay, OK! It's not a substitute. I have a body of a sea beast here, and you pay attention!"

After Shili vigorously finished, he took out a body of a sea beast and placed it on the podium. First, he cut a wound on it with confusing force, and then cut a wound on it with a sword.

In the early days of the cloud, the discovery of the stone did not use the sword at all, but the empty hand released the sword.

This shows that he can not only imitate the sword, but the level is already quite good.

At the beginning of the cloud, the two wounds were carefully observed, and the wounds that were cut out by the confusing force were found to have a larger wound surface, but the depth of the wound was shallower.

The wound surface caused by Jianqi is relatively small, but the wound is much deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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