Chapter 7839 is barely passing

Due to the wrath of the native vines, in addition to the ground vibrating in the original holy place, a hurricane was also blown up.

The stones on the ground were all rolled up and smashed.

After a while, the calm was restored, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, in the Royal Military Academy, Black Heart Nine opened his eyes, but her eyes were a little dazed.

Huh? Why is the confusing leaf gone?

She already understood the way the sorrowful leaves were confusing, but she seemed to have sensed a subtle thing, but only lost it in an instant.

Her knowledge of her faintness is somewhat painful, similar to the pain of using the eye to kill.

She was afraid that she would become a little fool and didn't dare to try again.

After easing for nearly an hour, she began to try to compress the puzzle.

The way in which the confusing leaves compress the temptation is very different from the way the stone is strongly taught to everyone.

The method that Shili strongly teaches is to compress it in Dantian, so the temptation to enter the veins from Dantian is the temptation after compression.

The method used in the early days of the cloud is to use the meridians as the veins of the confusing leaves, and to attract the fascinating force, and to constantly compress and compress.

Although the difference is the same, the method of compressing this method is more solid than the ordinary method.

Moreover, the beginning of the cloud faintly feels that this approach can bring great benefits, as for the benefits, um, she has not thought of it.

However, in any case, finally solved the problem of confusing compression, it is gratifying!

After two days, I went to the class of Shili.

Shi Dali was very excited, and he couldn’t wait to see the little girl eating it.

As soon as he thought of the unfortunate look of the little girl with the water basin, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

However, when he saw the beginning of the cloud, his nose was almost mad!

I saw that the little cockroach’s head was topped with a... glass-sized basin, or... with a lid.

Well, I tied it to my hair with a rope.

Estimated that even if she played the inverted, the water in the "pot" could not be sprinkled.

When he was about to attack, he heard the little girl crying and said: "Stone tutor, don't be angry, don't you punish me for pushing me to improve?!

I have been practicing compression for three days, and I have made great progress. Why don't I show it to you?

If you don't agree, I will go to the dean to complain and say that you deliberately play me. ”

Although Shi Dali feels that even if he is going to find the dean, he will not help her.

But still feel that it is best not to publicize this thing, then cold face said:

"Okay, then I will give you a chance. If it is true to you, this water... the basin does not need to be topped.

If you lie, I personally help you pick a basin. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I immediately demonstrated it.

Of course, she deliberately concealed the true level, and the degree of display was only equal to the level of the people, even a little weaker.

Shili’s face was a bit ugly, but he still said: “I’m barely passing, but if there’s no progress in the next class, hey!”

At the beginning of the cloud, she sighed, and now she has mastered the method of compressing temperament.

Want to pick a thorn? no way!

After the class, everyone received a notice of urgent tasks.

What makes everyone surprised is that this mission has actually entered the source of the holy land to collect confusing leaves.

The fifth is more.

(End of this chapter)

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