Chapter 7856 Bear Child

The tutor’s heart had ordered a wax for the beginning of the cloud, and felt that it was too difficult to break the game.

The high priest has always disliked this eldest daughter, and with her anger, there is no room for recovery.

In fact, the dean is actually a bit painful, and his heart decides silently. From now on, he does not deliberately target the little girl. After all, it is enough to show that he is "selfless".

Among the water mirrors, the beginning of the cloud is still in the slow-moving gimmick.

The guard hurriedly opened the door again.

"Miss Feng Da, I have arranged it, and I will go to the execution ground after a few more streets."

However, because the time of execution is at noon, you have to hurry. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "Well, I know. This gentleman, if I am lucky not to die this time, I will honor my promise."

The guard was apparently called "Yishi" for the first time in his life. I don't know how to feel hot, blood, boiling, and tempering. It seems to have a little extravagance in my heart.

He hugged his fist: "Miss Feng Da said it! You are also for our entire tribe. I should do this."

At the beginning of the cloud, he also touted a few words. The outsiders glimpsed, and they never imagined that the two men were actually the relationship between the guards and the prisoners. I don’t know if this is a reciprocal friendship!

At the beginning of the cloud, the set of information was taken, such as the color of the festival tower.

Some of the guards took the cloud out of the cell and took it out of the cell. After walking out of the ramp, the cloud was first stuffed into a prisoner.

As soon as the prisoner was on the main road, he was seen by a few children playing on the roadside.

A few children stared at the beginning of the cloud and threw the fruit in her hand to her.

Black Heart 9 can't help but sigh, and can't think too badly. After all, these little children are very compassionate. They know that she is hungry and give her fruit to eat.

Then she heard the children shouting and shouting: "Kill you a bad woman!"

"Kill you bad guys!"

Black Heart Nine: "..."

What's special, really bear children everywhere.

When she was abdomen, there were more and more people gathering on both sides of the street, and the black heart was counted as a blood mold!

What rotten leaves, what stinky eggs all smashed to her.

Black Heart Nine has smashed more than a hundred times in the heart of Lao Wang Ba, and this is said in some hoarse voices:

"White Stone Tower, white stone, white stone with white tower, white tower white stone.

The stone resists the wind, the wind strikes the stone, the white tower blocks the wind, and the wind hits the white tower.

If there is a cause, there is a fruit, and if there is a fruit, there is a cause...! ”

Blackheart nine hard to tell a tongue twister a mysterious feeling, coupled with her unmoving look, really like that.

The guard who had been fooled by the cloud at the beginning of the cloud was busy with the martyrdom: "The wind is dawning, what are you talking nonsense?! What a mess!"

It’s hard to be done, is it reasonable to destroy the festival tower? ! ”

The people on both sides of the street also clamored, and the rotten leaves in their hands were thrown more diligently.

Yunchu said in a sad and sorrowful voice: "I am naturally reasonable. Only I know how to go out, but unfortunately I have no chance to achieve it.

Maybe this is God's will! Our tribe is destined to stay here forever and everlasting!

Everything is God's will, everything is the arrangement of fate! ”

When Yunchu said this, the thumb and index finger of the right hand were buckled together, and the other three fingers were standing.

This is the secret code of her and Shan Huang, Ba Ku and Huan Ren.

She did not make the secret code shared by the six classes, because she is in a dangerous situation. If a slap in the face is over, it will be worse.

(End of this chapter)

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