Chapter 7868 is a little lost.

He suddenly saw a glimpse, and that cockroach seems to be the identity that was carefully selected by the dean.

The dean was also reacted at this time, and he was so angry that he would bite his teeth: "Wolf is a traitor! You are angry! These two are not good things!"

The tutor was told by the dean that he was so angry that he was afraid of the old man’s anger and was busy advising:

"President, this is just the beginning, the days ahead are long!"

It’s not that easy to stand alone. ”

It’s only after the dean’s remarks: “Well, what you said makes sense.

Where is this? I have a way to clean up her!

It’s just that I am self-sustaining and I am embarrassed to deal with her. After all, I am a good dean who cares for students. ”

Tutor: Oh, what do you want to say, you are happy.

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at the craftsmen and polished the feldspar. At this time, the handwriting on the feldspar "the wind is dawning on killing" has disappeared.

This is also normal, the dean of the old Wang Ba, although the eyes are all over the sky, but also reluctant to spend too much energy to do such boring things.

However, the old king will continue to give her a scorpion, she is more careful.

After standing at the beginning of the cloud, Ba Zhi’s admiration was like a sea.

Do not say anything else, this black heart is a good idea!

Only a few hours ago, she got rid of the identity of the dead prisoner by the mouth.

Ba Kuo even felt that if it was not only for one month's assessment period, the single yo-yo could take the wind and let it go, and then replaced it with a high priest.

However, it should not be too optimistic.

When the wind broke, and the Zou had no need to make any moths, and the ink flame would not stop, the next days would definitely not be flat.

Thinking of this, Ba Zhu suddenly thought of a problem.

Huh? It is reasonable to say that he should not worry about the problem of his own and single-year status exposure? What do you think about these houses and conspiracy?

It seems that he is inflated!

A little lost myself!

At this time, the wind stayed over.

He had just been stunned by the beginning of the cloud, and he had to slow down this tone for a long time.

His gaze fell on the clothes that were full of stains and blood on the beginning of the cloud. He said, "Go back to rest for one night and come to the supervisor tomorrow morning!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded, and even did not say anything, he took it with him.

The wind is so suffocating that you can bite your teeth. It is really disobedient and unfilial!

Ba Zhu left the festival tower with the beginning of the cloud, and lowered his voice and said: "You don't know where the priest's house is, and if you go into the house, your eyes are black, what about the stuffing?"

Yunchu said inadvertently: "See what you think is tricky. What is difficult."

This cargo said, isn't it just a vest? ! A piece of cake!

As for the priesthood, it doesn't matter, someone can find it.

She took a bag into a shop with some fabrics and ready-to-wear.

Although the area of ​​the fire four trials is not small, but the property is limited, so there are few types of fabric inside.

At the beginning of the cloud, I picked a few pieces of ready-to-wear and picked some fabrics. Then I said:

"I want to make a few clothes for my good aunt and a good sister. You send an embroidered mother to help them measure the size, and check out by the way."

Although the shopkeeper felt that Yunchu was not so kind, but did not push the business out of the way, immediately sent an embroidered mother to follow the cloud to the priest house.

Continue at four o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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