Chapter 7881 is high! Really high!

After the beginning of the cloud, the wind left behind and then remembered one thing.

That 80 million spar was originally his ok? !

How did it become a bet? !

He was stalked in!

However, he is upset now, but he has not taken care of it and the beginning of the cloud.

In his heart, he was a bit suspicious of Zou's and the wind breaking.

In particular, just now, the Mo family lord even so eagerly agreed to give the flames and the wind to the dawn, how to see is to negotiate in advance.

This is the case with people. Once they are suspicious, they are all doubtful.

The wind can't help but think of a lot of things, and his face is getting darker and gloomy.

Finally, he bit his teeth and decided to follow the cloud.

If nothing is tempted, it is naturally the best, and there is no loss anyway.

If you really find that Zou's mother and daughter have colluded with the Mohist family, then he will blame him for being ruthless.

On the other side, Ba Bianyi looked at the clouds and looked at the clouds.


This single is simply not a person!

After a few words, 80 million spar will arrive?

It’s too easy to make money!

He will follow her in the future! Although there are more times when it is difficult to be the same, the greater the risk, the greater the gain!

Although Ba Shu had just stood a few dozen feet ago, he still vaguely heard the conversation between Yunchu and the wind and stayed in the air. When he saw the wind and stayed in the same place, he lowered his voice and asked:

"If within five days, Zou's they don't do it for you, what do you do? Really return the spar to him?"

The face of Yunchu’s face immediately revealed a sinister smile: “I don’t know if you have heard of a word, called a haystack and a rabbit?”

Ba Biao’s face is awkward: “What do you mean?”

"No culture is terrible! In the future, you should read more points, lest you ask three questions."

So tell you, if Zou Shi and the wind break the truth, it is naturally best to collude with the Mohist family.

Even if they didn't collude, the wind shackles had already released the wind and prepared to pass the position of the high priest to me. By the time I really became the high priest, I was justified.

Can you not beat your own face?

This is called scribbling rabbit! you got it? ”

Ba Shu suddenly realized that he nodded: "High! Really high! However, what high priests are not to be selected?"

It’s not a matter of saying that the wind is staying! Are you sure you can be chosen? ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he turned his eyes: "It is stupid to say that you are stupid! For many years, the high priest has always been a man of the wind. Do you think this is a coincidence?

There must be a bit of a greasy inside. As long as I let the wind stay in the air and make up my mind to pass the position of the high priest to me, he naturally has a way to operate.

When I am a high priest, I will also give you an official and let you have fun. ”

The eyes were bright, but in a flash, I said, "Don't forget, we can only stay here for a month, give me a seal, and I can't enjoy it for a few days."

At the beginning of the cloud, he blinked his eyes: "That may not be. In the future, we may come in from time to time!"

After returning, I left the wind to give me the news of 80 million spar. I want to marry the mother and daughter of Zou. ”

Ba nodded and nodded. He is best at doing this kind of thing.

He hesitated for a moment, then asked: "The round is rolling, no, winter snow, how do I feel something wrong? She is our people? Will it be Lanyuan Snow?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he raised his eyebrows: "Hey, how do you recognize her? Are you having any ulterior motives for her?"

(End of this chapter)

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