Chapter 7945 is fat

The first look of the cloud was awkward: "I have enough white to eat, and I don't want to raise one more."

The red spotted seal said: "I am not white, I can give you a mount."

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth: "I have six-fin flying fish, much faster than you swim! And I eat less than you!"

The red spotted seal immediately patted her belly with two chubby front fins: "I don't have a long white meat, how soft you are sitting on my back!

Besides, I have already seen it now. Is it better than the six black fish that I can’t see? ! ”

The latter sentence is impressed by the beginning of the cloud, although the erytheon seal is weak chicken, but the good cockroaches have already seen the light, and later can be used as a mount for the bright, not to swim hard.

Thinking of this, she said it was difficult:

"Well, then I will take you for a while, if you do well, if you don't perform well, I can only find a place to put you."

The red spotted seal nodded in a hurry, but his heart was pouting. Isn’t it a pleasure to ride on a mount? ! The main thing is to mix it with the front and say it, staying here is a death!

After a while, everyone was sent out.

The other four classes of people have injuries on their bodies, and some are even more serious. I heard that the five classes in which Jing Pengcheng is located are still dead.

Look at the three and six classes, not only have no scars on them, but also seem to be fatter than half a month ago.

Can you not be fat? !

It’s hard to eat meat and win every day.

Although the first cloud of the cloud with yellow hair stirred up a storm, but she specifically let the yellow hair they avoid the other four classes, and the sea area is very large, so the other four classes really do not know the cloud Great achievements.

Seeing the three classes and the six classes of people one by one, they couldn't help but feel guilty. It is estimated that these two classes are afraid of death and injury, so they did not try their best to pick the Golden Spot Ganoderma Lucidum.

Lan Yuanhui’s father, Wang Wang and Lan Yuanxue’s father, Ming Wang, were somewhat uncomfortable and said with a wink:

"Blue Yuan Xue, how are you harvesting in three shifts?"

Last time you got the last one in three classes, this time you can mix the last one, right? Hahaha! ”

Lan Yuanxue just wanted to refute, and the cloud around her first smashed her, and whispered three words in her ear: "Benyuan Dan."

I have to say that Lan Yuan Xue is still very smart, and immediately understood the meaning of the beginning of the cloud.

She snorted: "The second to last? If we don't get better in three classes, it will be better than your second class! Or else we will gamble? Do you dare?"

Lan Yuanhui is also a man of high arrogance, swearing: "What are you afraid?! What do you want to gamble?"

"In our capacity, it is natural to bet on gambling!"

If our three classes are better than your second class, the one you are about to get will be me. If I lose, I will lose you 50,000 pieces of confusing beads.

how about it? Dare to gamble? Lan Yuan Xue asked with a cold smile.

Lan Yuanhui hesitated, and the bet was too big.

However, looking at the three classes of those unscathed, how to see how this gambling will definitely win.

He sneered: "Do you think that this will scare me? Well, bet on gambling!"

Lan Yuan Xue’s heart is just about to bloom!

It turns out that the feeling of the pit people is so cool!

It's no wonder that single yo-yo is always willing to play.

She tried her best to hold the joy in her heart and said with a cold face: "There is nothing to say, we have to implement it on paper, and let the Prince's brother do the guarantee."

My aunt had a stomachache, and the remaining three chapters were about five o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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