Chapter 7693 Big Flower Dog

Huanren looked at the big dog in front of him and looked dull.

What is this ghost thing? !

It’s a dog, is it a big flower dog? ! This is simply dirt!

Besides, what kind of combat power can a dog have? ! Not as good as a big spider!

When he was in the middle of the circle, Shishi vigorously said: "Don't lie, and quickly incorporate it into your Dantian."

Huanren has only slowed down, even if the big flower dog is really not very good, it is also his sword spirit, and it is important to quickly accept Dantian.

After half a quarter of an hour later, Huanren successfully took the big flower dog into Dantian and successfully retracted it several times.

Ba sacred and said: "Is the stone instructor, the big flower dog of Huanren? What is the grade? Is it not the lower grade?"

Huanren took a look, but in fact, he also felt that this big dog is inferior to the lower grades. After all, how does this big dog look like a weak chicken.

Shi Dali said with a smile: "This is not an ordinary big dog. If I am not mistaken, it should be a giant dog. It should be a high-end."

When the stone was vigorously exported, Huanren was so excited that he cried.

He had already prepared for a waste sword spirit, but he did not expect to give him a big surprise!

This big flower dog is even better than the big spiders in the box, it is really a turn!

Bajiao said: "The grade is only one aspect. It doesn't really matter who is really fighting!"

Shili vigorously nodded: "Bai said this is true, as long as the grades are not particularly disparity, the gap will not be too big.

In fact, the key is to compete with the master's cultivation. If it is not good enough to maintain the sword spirit for too long, then the high-level sword spirit is useless. ”

Yan Ren took a look: "It’s like you are repairing higher than me!"

Ba Biao turned a blind eye and did not say anything.

At the beginning of the cloud, I know why Ba Kui rolled his eyes. This product has been playing pigs and eating tigers. The real repair is definitely higher than Huanren.

She is too lazy to expose him, she wonders, it seems that these swordsmen hatched by the sea are still somewhat related to the master.

For example, the octopus is a family of eight-clawed fish, and the eight-legged spider is hatched. The barley is a sea dog, so the big dog is hatched.

Then the question is coming, Shanhuang is a sea urchin, what is his sword spirit?

The doubts of the beginning of the cloud did not last long, because the single egg of the sword spirit soon broke the shell.

The sword of Shanhuang is a porcupine.

Shi Liqiang commented: "The porcupine's defense ability is relatively strong. When it is against the enemy, it can save the master's repair, but it is not bad. It can be regarded as a middle-grade top product."

Although Dan Huang is very happy, he is now more worried about the situation of his sister, and I don’t know if her sword spirit will be able to make a successful income.

If Yun Yun knows his thoughts, he will definitely tell him that he wants more!

Her fake egg must not hatch anything, so there is no question of whether or not she can accept Dantian.

I don't know if these sword spirit eggs are about to be ordered, and they have begun to break the shell.

Similar to the speculation of the cloud, the sword spirit of the people and the sea people themselves are more or less connected.

For example, the sword spirit hatched from the sunflower of the sea anemone is a ... hedgehog.

However, in addition to Huanren, there is no more swordsmanship.

Fortunately, there is no product spirit, basically all of them are swords.

It is also understandable that these people themselves are good at qualifications and qualifications, and the sword spirits that hatch are naturally not too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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