Chapter 7968, hitting people, not hitting the face

Dahua said with dissatisfaction:

"What's great?! Can I have it? Can I sleep? Can it be fried when it is full?

Besides, I don't think it looks like awesome, but it's a bluff!

If I let it touch it, I can swallow it in one bite! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth: "Take it down! You are a single-year-old single pig!"

Big flowers are pumping straight, and people are still not hitting their faces. This stinky head is too much!

What happened to the single pig? !

It’s just that the fate is not there, and sooner or later it will meet its careful liver, little baby, little cute!

When the clouds began to spit and sprinkled large flowers, Lan Yuanhan had already incorporated Kirin into Dantian.

At this time, his body flashed, and it turned out to be a breakthrough.

Black Heart 9 could not help but turn a blind eye, this thief is really unfair, swearing, and getting a unicorn is a breakthrough, then marry her, got a ... empty egg shell, it is unfortunate!

Returning to the dean's happy face with a beard, he was naturally aware of the original intention of Lan Yuanhan to enter the Royal Military Academy.

However, there was not much confidence at that time. After all, the egg of the Sword Emperor was just a legend. I did not expect that Lan Yuan Han not only got the egg of the Sword Emperor, but also successfully hatched the Qilin sword spirit.

It seems that Qilin Jianling is already feeding him back, and maybe it will be a direct increase.

After returning to the front of the cloud, Yu Guangguang, who was not far away, frowned, and saw that the fake egg in front of her had no progress except for the crack that appeared before.

What is even more exasperating is that the little girl’s eyes are dripping and turning, and the little face is annoyed for a while and envy and hate. There is no worry or tension in the roots.

He took a deep breath and walked to the front of the cloud, pressing down the voice and yelling:

"Don't look around! Hold on to your sword spirit's egg and break the shell. If the delay is too long, be careful that your sword will die."

At the beginning of the cloud, I said that it is useless to guide again. Whoever saw the stone in the seams can pick up the living things? !

Huh? Not right, the grandson of the monkey is smashed out of the stone!

There is also Jia Baoyu, it seems to be a stone...

When the goods thought about it, they went off, and they looked like a god.

Returning to the dean, she saw her a absent-minded look and gave her a look.

He has high hopes for the beginning of the cloud. After all, in the four trials of the fire, the first cloud shows the talent in the sword, and the human spirit is very suitable for training.

After the beginning of the cloud, he noticed that he was stunned by the president, and he had to start pretending to meditate.

Returning to the dean, this eased the tone and said: "Not only rely on the guidance of the gods, your sword spirit may have a lower grade, and it is difficult to break the shell by itself. You are now slowly injecting the temptation into the egg. Help it break the shell."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and began to do it.

The goods could not help but feel the feelings. It seems that the old man told her to come to the stage to be kind, but unfortunately, this kind of heart is destined to be paid.

I don't know if the old man found out that the stone powder inside the egg would be mad?

When she was in the middle of her heart, the blue yuan cold on the side had already ended the breakthrough.

After returning to the superintendent, he asked: "Let your temptation come out, let me see your level of temptation."

Lan Yuanhan stretched out his right hand, and there was a scent of lavender on the palm of his hand.

There was a burst of exclamation in the audience, the first stage of the purple stage!

Before the Prince was the middle stage of the blue stage, now it is directly breaking through to the beginning of the purple stage?

This Qilin sword spirit is also very powerful, right? !

Three points to continue, today can definitely "hide", rest assured!

(End of this chapter)

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